88R3988 BEF-D
  By: Slaton H.R. No. 238
         WHEREAS, The House of Representatives of the Texas
  Legislature has exclusive power to present articles of impeachment
  against a state officer under Section 1, Article XV, Texas
  Constitution, and Chapter 665, Government Code; and
         WHEREAS, Judge Mary Brown, Judge of the 301st Judicial
  District, engaged in conduct constituting abuse of a child under
  Section 261.001(1), Family Code, in certain judicial actions
  involving custody of the children of Jeff Younger; and
         WHEREAS, Judge Mary Brown, Judge of the 301st Judicial
  District, demonstrated conduct unbecoming a judge by violating the
  Texas Code of Judicial Conduct; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Texas House of Representatives impeach
  Judge Mary Brown, Judge of the 301st Judicial District; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That in accordance with Section 5, Article XV,
  Texas Constitution, Judge Mary Brown, Judge of the 301st Judicial
  District, be suspended from the exercise of the duties of her office
  during the pendency of her impeachment, and that the governor may
  make a provisional appointment to fill the vacancy occasioned by
  the suspension of Judge Brown until the conclusion of her trial by
  the Senate on the impeachment charges; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature conduct an investigation under Section 1, Article XV,
  Texas Constitution, and Chapter 665, Government Code, prepare
  appropriate articles of impeachment against Judge Mary Brown, Judge
  of the 301st Judicial District, and consider those articles for
  presentment to the Texas Senate.