88R12415 JRI-D
  By: Muñoz, Jr. H.R. No. 265
         WHEREAS, Distinguished citizens of Palmhurst are gathering
  in Austin on February 22, 2023, to celebrate Palmhurst Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Development in the region began in 1912, when John
  H. Shary invested in property and irrigation to expand early
  experimental citrus groves into a commercial venture; remembered as
  the "Father of the Texas Citrus Industry," he built what is now
  known as the Shary Shivers Estate, a historic home where President
  Dwight D. Eisenhower visited and the 37th governor of Texas, Allan
  Shivers, married Marialice Shary; and
         WHEREAS, Officially incorporated on January 25, 1964,
  Palmhurst is governed by a mayor and five city council members and
  is today home to some 2,600 people; this business-friendly town
  boasts a host of retail shops, and the region's climate is favorable
  to tourism as well as agriculture; visitors can observe numerous
  beautiful species of local and migratory birds in the area, and they
  are drawn to such attractions as the Hidalgo Pumphouse, which
  houses machinery that was used for development a century ago; and
         WHEREAS, The city of Palmhurst was served for more than two
  decades by Mayor Ramiro Jose Rodriguez Jr., who passed away on April
  5, 2022, at the age of 68; after taking office in 1999, he guided the
  city through a period of considerable growth, and his many
  achievements included establishing the city's first police
  department and municipal court and attracting businesses such as
  Walmart, H-E-B, and Walgreens that have provided employment
  opportunities and enhanced the quality of life enjoyed by area
  residents; and
         WHEREAS, The residents of Palmhurst were fortunate to benefit
  from Mayor Rodriguez's leadership and dedication, and they may
  reflect with gratitude on the knowledge that his contributions will
  benefit their outstanding community for years to come; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 22, 2023, as Palmhurst Day at
  the State Capitol and pay special tribute to the life and legacy of
  the Honorable Ramiro Jose Rodriguez Jr.