WHEREAS, For nearly three decades, Karen Kennard has worked |
tirelessly in behalf of Texas children; and |
WHEREAS, Since 2020, Ms. Kennard has served as director of |
training and education at The Children's Assessment Center in |
Houston, an advocacy center that addresses the needs of sexually |
abused children and their families; she conducts workshops on |
topics concerning The CAC, child abuse, and child abuse prevention, |
and she has been invited into area schools to teach students how to |
recognize unsafe situations, protect themselves from predators, |
and report abuse; in 2022 alone, her team at The CAC trained more |
than 36,000 community members, staff, and partners; prior to |
assuming her current role, she was facilitator of the Child Sexual |
Abuse Review Team for 16 years; and |
WHEREAS, Ms. Kennard was previously employed by the Texas |
Department of Family and Protective Services-Child Protective |
Services, where she was a child abuse investigator specializing in |
cases involving sexual abuse; moreover, she was an adjunct faculty |
member for the Harris County Children's Protective Services |
Training Institute, and she has led the Child Safety Check Alert |
List class for the Houston Police Department since 2016; and |
WHEREAS, In addition to her professional responsibilities, |
Ms. Kennard gives generously of her time and expertise to a number |
of task forces and committees, including the Harris County Child |
Abuse Task Force Board, the Harris County Interagency Victims |
Council, and the Harris County Youth and Family Services Conference |
Steering Committee; she is a former member of the San Jacinto |
College Board on Intern Placements, the Houston Community College |
Advisory Board for the Accelerated Teacher Certification Program, |
and the Students of Success Agenda Board; a graduate of The |
University of Texas at Austin, Ms. Kennard holds a bachelor's |
degree in psychology; and |
WHEREAS, Over the course of her distinguished career, Karen |
Kennard has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ensuring the |
safety and well-being of children, and in so doing, she has greatly |
benefited countless young Texans and their families; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby commend Karen Kennard on her exemplary record of |
service in behalf of Texas children and extend to her sincere best |
wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Ms. Kennard as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |
A. Johnson of Harris |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 270 was adopted by the House on |
February 22, 2023, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |