H.R. No. 313
         WHEREAS, Members of the Muslim community from throughout the
  state are gathering in Austin on March 7, 2023, to celebrate the
  20th Texas Muslim Capitol Day; and
         WHEREAS, Texans made history in 2022 with the election of the
  first two Muslim Americans to the Texas House of Representatives,
  Rep. Suleman Lalani, M.D. (HD 76) and Rep. Salman Bhojani (HD 92);
         WHEREAS, The Muslim community is one of the fastest-growing
  communities in Texas, with almost 500,000 residents who identify as
  Muslim, constituting 1.7 percent of the state's population; and
         WHEREAS, Muslims in America are one of the most racially
  diverse communities; and
         WHEREAS, The Muslim community pioneered mathematical
  concepts such as algebra, the creation of zero, the modern-day
  decimal point system, calculus, and the concept of raising a number
  to a power; moreover, the Muslim community developed numerous
  advancements in astronomy, geography, and medicine; in the 11th
  century, Muslim doctors invented hundreds of surgical tools; and
         WHEREAS, The unwavering dedication of the leaders from the
  Islamic community in the State of Texas has served as an impetus for
  a more equal and altruistic population; Muslims have held public
  office in Texas from the local level, such as city council members
  and judges, all the way up to state representatives; and
         WHEREAS, By bringing their perspectives to the legislative
  forum, members of the Muslim community are contributing to the
  dialogue on policy issues and helping to work toward a brighter
  future for all residents of the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 7, 2023, as Texas Muslim Capitol
  Day and extend to all those participating sincere best wishes for an
  enjoyable and memorable visit to Austin.
Phelan González of El Paso Moody
Allen Goodwin Morales of Harris
Allison Guerra Morales of Maverick
Anchía Guillen Morales Shaw
Bailes Harless Morrison
Bernal Hernandez Muñoz, Jr.
Bhojani Herrero Murr
Bonnen Hinojosa Neave Criado
Bowers Holland Noble
Bryant Howard Oliverson
Buckley Hull Ordaz
Bucy Hunter Ortega
Bumgarner Jetton Patterson
Burns Johnson of Dallas Perez
Burrows A. Johnson of Harris Plesa
Button J. Johnson of Harris Ramos
Campos Jones of Dallas Raney
Canales Jones of Harris Raymond
Capriglione Kacal Reynolds
Clardy King of Hemphill Romero, Jr.
Cole King of Uvalde Rose
Collier Kitzman Rosenthal
Cook Klick Schofield
Cortez Kuempel Shaheen
Darby Lalani Sherman, Sr.
Davis Lambert Shine
Dean Landgraf Smithee
DeAyala Leach Talarico
Dutton Longoria Thierry
Flores Lopez of Bexar Thimesch
Frank Lozano Thompson of Brazoria
Frazier Lujan Thompson of Harris
Gamez Manuel Turner
Garcia Martinez VanDeaver
Geren Martinez Fischer Vo
Gervin-Hawkins Metcalf Walle
Goldman Meyer Wu
González of Dallas Meza Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 313 was adopted by the House on March 7,
  2023, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House