88R15936 KSM-D
  By: González of El Paso H.R. No. 458
         WHEREAS, Members of the state chapter of Crime Survivors for
  Safety and Justice are gathering in Austin on March 30, 2023, for
  Survivors Speak Texas Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, A flagship project of the Alliance for Safety and
  Justice, Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice is a national
  organization that promotes public safety policies that reduce
  incarceration and increase investments in crime prevention, trauma
  recovery, and rehabilitation; with chapters in several states
  across the country, the group also provides opportunities for
  survivors to participate in support groups and community
  organizing; and
         WHEREAS, Because more than half of violent crimes are
  estimated to go unreported, and few survivors receive direct
  assistance from a victim service agency, many people face
  long-term, debilitating effects without appropriate support; Crime
  Survivors for Safety and Justice helps to bridge these gaps in
  victim services, as well as to offer guidance to policy makers on
  evidence-based practices to protect victims and reduce incidents of
  violent crime; and
         WHEREAS, Each year during National Crime Victims' Rights
  Week, Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice holds its Survivors
  Speak event, which brings together crime survivors and their loved
  ones to advocate for safety and justice policy reforms,
  particularly in communities with high rates of crime; since its
  inception, the event has grown into a yearlong movement that
  culminates in a National Healing Vigil Day of Action, with events in
  more than two dozen cities around the country; and
         WHEREAS, Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice is playing an
  important role in helping the people and communities most harmed by
  crime and violence, and all those associated with the organization
  are indeed deserving of commendation for their tireless advocacy;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize March 30, 2023, as Survivors Speak
  Texas Day at the State Capitol and extend to the staff and
  volunteers of Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice sincere
  appreciation for their efforts; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.