WHEREAS, Our communities draw immeasurable strength from |
individuals such as Samuel Perez Jr., whose efforts in behalf of his |
fellow citizens have contributed greatly to quality of life in the |
Converse area and beyond; and |
WHEREAS, Sammy Perez has given back to his community through |
a variety of leadership roles, including as chair of the Converse |
Parks and Recreation Commission, president of the Converse Lions |
Club, and zone chair for Lions Clubs International; moreover, he |
has supported agricultural education in the region as president of |
the Judson FFA Alumni, as vice president of the Bexar County Junior |
Livestock Association, as vice president of the Texas Playboys |
Inc. charitable organization, and as a member of the San Antonio |
Stock Show & Rodeo Board of Directors; and |
WHEREAS, An alumnus of Judson High School, Mr. Perez has |
enjoyed a nearly three-decade-long career working for CPS Energy in |
San Antonio, where he currently serves as the employee development |
manager; he is the proud father of two daughters; and |
WHEREAS, The people of Converse are fortunate to have such |
passionate and engaged citizens as Sammy Perez, whose history of |
civic involvement is an inspiration to all who know him; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor Samuel Perez Jr. for his many |
contributions to his community and extend to him sincere best |
wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mr. Perez as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |