WHEREAS, An important day on the Mexican calendar, March 21, |
2023, marks the 217th anniversary of the birth of national hero |
Benito Juárez; and |
WHEREAS, Benito Juárez rose from humble beginnings to become |
the first indigenous president of Mexico and served five terms, |
spanning two civil wars; born in 1806 to Zapotec Indian parents, he |
graduated from the Franciscan seminary in Oaxaca and earned a law |
degree from the Institute of Sciences and Arts; he supported |
indigenous rights from the very beginning of his career in |
government, as a member of the Oaxaca city council; and |
WHEREAS, After winning election to the national Chamber of |
Deputies, Mr. Juárez helped draft the transformational |
Constitution of 1857, which abolished slavery and granted complete |
equality under the law; it protected individual Mexicans with a |
bill of rights, including freedom of speech, assembly, and the |
press; one provision of that charter, known as the Ley Juárez, |
drastically limited the power and privilege of the Catholic Church |
and the military; and |
WHEREAS, Conservatives rebelled against democratization, but |
President Juárez led Liberal forces to victory in the War of the |
Reform; he then triumphed over foreign occupation in a second war, |
known as the French Intervention, securing the future of the |
Republic; his leadership ushered in a period known as La Reforma, |
the Reform, a political and social revolution that brought about |
the expropriation of church lands, the subordination of the army to |
civilian control, and the separation of church and state in public |
affairs; President Juárez died in office in 1872, and 16 years |
later, the city of El Paso del Norte was renamed Ciudad Juárez in |
his honor; and |
WHEREAS, Benito Juárez is justly revered as one of Mexico's |
greatest heroes, and every March, a national holiday reminds |
citizens of the vital role he played in the history of the Americas; |
many companies in Mexico close to mark this occasion, and we may |
take this opportunity to celebrate the outstanding contributions |
made by Latino businesses in Texas; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby commemorate the 217th anniversary of the birth |
of Benito Juárez and honor Latino businesses in the Lone Star State. |