WHEREAS, The 108th birthday of an esteemed Texan is truly |
cause for celebration, and Daisy Lee Jones of Calvert is marking |
that special milestone on April 16, 2023, to the great delight of |
her family and friends; and |
WHEREAS, Born in Calvert in 1915, the former Daisy Farris is |
the daughter of Frankie and Lonnie P. Farris; she grew up with four |
siblings, Roosevelt, Jessie Lee, Ceola, and Lizzie; and |
WHEREAS, She was joined in matrimony to T. J. Jones on |
November 9, 1935; they were blessed with five children, Evelyn, |
Tommie, Joshua, Lonnie, and Lizzie, and Mrs. Jones devoted herself |
to her home and family; generous and caring, she frequently took in |
other children from the community when the need arose; and |
WHEREAS, A woman of faith, Mrs. Jones was a valued member of |
Providence Baptist Church, and she was very active in the |
congregation over the years; skilled in a number of crafts, she |
enjoyed making ceramics, crocheting, and quilting; and |
WHEREAS, Today, Mrs. Jones is the treasured matriarch of a |
fine family that spans five generations, and she takes great pride |
in her many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and |
great-great-grandchildren; and |
WHEREAS, Daisy Jones has enriched the lives of innumerable |
people over the course of more than a century, and she continues to |
be a source of joy and inspiration to all who are fortunate enough |
to know her; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Daisy Lee Jones on the occasion of |
her 108th birthday and extend to her sincere best wishes for |
continued happiness; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mrs. Jones as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |