WHEREAS, Gergana Peycheva of The University of Texas at |
Dallas achieved great distinction by winning the 2023 Texas Women's |
Chess Championship; and |
WHEREAS, Competing against the top players in the state at |
the UT Rio Grande Valley Brownsville Campus on March 25, |
Ms. Peycheva captured her first three matches before drawing |
against her teammate, Tarini Goyal, in the fourth round; she |
triumphed against her final two opponents to score 5.5 points and |
claim the state championship; and |
WHEREAS, A native of Bulgaria, Ms. Peycheva has represented |
her home country at the European and World Championships, and in |
2014, she earned a gold medal at the European School Chess |
Championship in Greece; more recently, she took part in the 44th |
World Chess Olympiad in Chennai, India, where she helped the |
Bulgarian national team earn a top-10 ranking in the world; she is |
currently in her freshman year as a business administration major |
at UTD; and |
WHEREAS, Gergana Peycheva has demonstrated exceptional skill |
and an unwavering commitment to excellence, and she may indeed take |
great pride in her many accomplishments; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Gergana Peycheva on winning the |
2023 Texas Women's Chess Championship and extend to her sincere |
best wishes for continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Ms. Peycheva as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |