88R23419 TBO-D
  By: Spiller H.R. No. 1088
         WHEREAS, A delegation of students from San Saba High School
  in the San Saba Independent School District is visiting the State
  Capitol on April 12, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, The group includes seven outstanding young Texans
  who are representing San Saba ISD, which has a total enrollment of
  nearly 700; during their visit, the participants will learn more
  about the legislative process and deepen their sense of civic
  engagement; and
         WHEREAS, Currently in their senior year, the students in the
  delegation are all taking advanced placement or dual credit
  classes; they have further distinguished themselves through their
  involvement in a wide variety of other programs, including
  athletics, band, teacher preparation, honors society, and spirit
  organizations; in addition, they are planning to continue their
  studies in college; and
         WHEREAS, Through their hard work and commitment to academic
  excellence, the San Saba High School delegation participants have
  brought great pride to their school and community, and they are
  truly deserving of special recognition for their many
  accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the students from San Saba High School on
  the occasion of their visit to the State Capitol and extend to them
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for the students as an expression of high regard by the Texas House
  of Representatives.