WHEREAS, Granbury Regional Airport has received the 2023 Most |
Improved Airport award from the Texas Department of Transportation |
Aviation Division; and |
WHEREAS, Known as the "Friendliest Little Airport in Texas," |
Granbury Regional Airport is a city-owned facility located near the |
central business district of Granbury; it previously had the |
shortest runway among similar airports in the area, which limited |
its ability to accommodate increasing rates of tourism to the |
community; to help solve this problem, the airport secured |
approximately $32 million in funding from TxDOT and the City of |
Granbury and broke ground on a major project to add a longer runway; |
and |
WHEREAS, The undertaking involved land acquisition, |
transmission line relocation, and an environmental assessment, |
among other extensive planning efforts; after three phases of |
construction, the project was officially completed in November |
2022, and the airport today features a runway spanning 5,200 feet in |
length and 75 feet in width, as well as a full-length parallel |
taxiway, a terminal apron spanning 8,000 square yards, LED runway |
edge lighting, precision approach path indicators, and an airfield |
electrical vault; in addition, the former runway was converted to a |
taxiway; and |
WHEREAS, Granbury Regional Airport plays an important role in |
the transportation system of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and this |
award is a fitting acknowledgment of the facility's most recent |
accomplishments; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Granbury Regional Airport on |
receiving the 2023 Most Improved Airport award from the Texas |
Department of Transportation Aviation Division and extend to all |
those associated with the facility sincere best wishes for the |
future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the airport as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |