88R19855 JRI-D
  By: Martinez Fischer H.R. No. 1114
         WHEREAS, The Saint Mary's Hall Middle School girls'
  basketball A team achieved great distinction by winning the
  2022-2023 Independent School Athletic League city championship;
         WHEREAS, Demonstrating exceptional skill and determination
  throughout the year, the A team went undefeated in the regular
  season; the SMH players continued their outstanding performance in
  the playoffs, triumphing over their opponents to conclude the
  season as city champions; and
         WHEREAS, Excelling with a true team effort, SMH benefited
  from the valuable contributions made by each member of the roster:
  Ryann Arrington, Sofia Blanco, Hadley Bunch, Clayton Hixon, Meryl
  Jones, Adah Sayeed, Brianna Scott, and Inaaya Wali; these
  determined student-athletes were ably guided by head coach Amy
  Figliola; and
         WHEREAS, The team's success is a source of great pride to the
  entire Saint Mary's Hall community, including students Francesca
  Fischer, Form 8, and Camilla Fischer, Form 6, the daughters of State
  Representative Trey Martinez Fischer, and they join with their
  classmates in offering special congratulations to the players; and
         WHEREAS, Winning a championship represents the culmination
  of countless hours of hard work and an unwavering commitment to
  excellence, and the members of the Saint Mary's Hall Middle School A
  team will treasure the memory of this accomplishment for the rest of
  their lives; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Saint Mary's Hall Middle School
  girls' basketball A team on winning the 2022-2023 Independent
  School Athletic League city championship and extend sincere best
  wishes to the players and Coach Figliola for continued success;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.