88R25337 BPG-D
  By: Jones of Harris H.R. No. 1214
         WHEREAS, Jo Ann Johnson is retiring from the Houston Parks
  and Recreation Department in 2023, drawing to a close an exemplary
  career that has spanned more than three decades; and
         WHEREAS, Hired in 1989, Ms. Johnson served as facility
  manager for over a year at Sunnyside Community Center and for nine
  years at the historic Emancipation Community Center; in her role as
  recreation supervisor, she has overseen Godwin, Platou,
  Sharpstown, Sunnyside, Cherryhurst, and Lansdale Community
  Centers; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Johnson has assisted with numerous annual
  events hosted by her department and the City of Houston, among them
  Tour de Houston, Juneteenth, National Night Out, back-to-school
  health fairs, and the Special Olympics; moreover, she has advanced
  the mission of Parks and Recreation by forming partnerships with
  such organizations as the Chauncy Glover Project, Hire Houston
  Youth, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, the Houston Independent
  School District, and the AARP; and
         WHEREAS, Dedicated to her profession, Ms. Johnson joined the
  Texas Recreation and Park Society, and during her 16 years with the
  association, she served on several committees and received a Lone
  Star programming award; as a member of its Minorities in Leisure
  Services branch, she held a seat on the board for several Texas
  districts; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Johnson graduated from Booker T. Washington
  High School in 1974; she is the proud mother of three children,
  Sophelia Joi Johnson-Dixon, Shavonda Johnson, and Jaron Johnson; a
  woman of faith, she has been a valued congregant of Mt. Pilgrim
  Missionary Baptist Church for 67 years; and
         WHEREAS, Through her skill, professionalism, and commitment
  to excellence, Jo Ann Johnson has made valuable contributions to
  the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, and as she embarks on
  the next exciting chapter of her life, she may indeed reflect with
  pride on her accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Jo Ann Johnson on her retirement
  from the Houston Parks and Recreation Department and extend to her
  sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Johnson as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.