WHEREAS, Excelencia in Education has demonstrated a |
long-standing and steadfast commitment to accelerating Latino |
student success; and |
WHEREAS, Excelencia in Education was founded in 2004 by |
Sarita Brown, a senior Fellow at the Pew Hispanic Center, and |
Deborah Santiago, vice president of data and policy analysis for |
the Los Angeles County Alliance for Student Achievement; focusing |
on data, the nonprofit organization has conducted research and |
sparked change with a series of important publications, beginning |
with the groundbreaking Latino Student Success at Hispanic-Serving |
Institutions: Findings from a Demonstration Project, released in |
connection with The University of Texas at El Paso; its report How |
Latino Students Pay for College: Patterns of Financial Aid in |
2003-04 garnered national coverage by news outlets from NPR and the |
Washington Post to the Chronicle of Higher Education; and |
WHEREAS, With Ms. Santiago's 2009 report, Emerging |
Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Excelencia popularized a |
phrase now firmly incorporated in the higher education lexicon; the |
organization created a key national resource, the "Growing What |
Works" database, and over the years, it has amplified its |
accomplishments by building a large network of results-oriented |
educators and policymakers; Excelencia was tapped to serve as an |
intermediary organization for Lumina Foundation Latino Student |
Success, a four-year, $12 million investment in 13 communities to |
increase the percentage of Latino students graduating from colleges |
and universities; in 2019, it established new standards by |
announcing the first nine institutions to be certified with its |
Seal of Excelencia, acknowledging their success in intentionally |
serving Latino students while serving all; and |
WHEREAS, Since its founding, Excelencia in Education has |
empowered countless Latino students to build an even brighter |
future for themselves and their communities, and the organization |
is indeed deserving of commendation for its myriad contributions; |
now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize Excelencia in Education for its |
exemplary record of service and extend to all those associated with |
the organization sincere best wishes for continued success with |
their important work; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Excelencia in Education as an expression of high |
regard by the Texas House of Representatives. |
Neave Criado |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1263 was adopted by the House on April |
25, 2023, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |