H.R. No. 1311
         WHEREAS, The State of Texas has a rich cultural heritage, and
  its cemeteries serve as a tangible link to its history; and
         WHEREAS, As Texas has grown and become urbanized, some of the
  state's cemeteries have been lost or forgotten, and their
  accompanying grave markers, if they were ever placed, have decayed
  or have gone missing; remembering and identifying these sites is
  vital to understanding the lives and legacies of those interred in
  them; and
         WHEREAS, Across the state, there are a number of well-known
  unmarked cemeteries, including the Freedmen's Cemetery in Dallas,
  which served as a burial place for formerly enslaved people; there
  are numerous other cemeteries that were used for the burial of
  African Americans and Black Americans who lived under segregation,
  including Horst Plantation Cemetery in Austin and Oakwood Cemetery
  in Tyler; and
         WHEREAS, Many cemeteries remain unknown and unmarked, making
  it difficult to preserve them, and the observance of Unmarked
  Cemetery Day on May 3, 2023, serves to raise awareness of the need
  to identify and protect these important historical sites and to
  honor the memories of those Texans whose final resting places have
  been forgotten; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 3, 2023, as Unmarked Cemetery Day
  and commend all those who are dedicated to the documentation and
  preservation of Texas's historic cemeteries.
Phelan Guerra Murr
Allen Guillen Neave Criado
Allison Harless Noble
Anchía Harris of Anderson Oliverson
Anderson Harris of Williamson Ordaz
Ashby Harrison Orr
Bailes Hayes Ortega
Bell of Kaufman Hefner Patterson
Bell of Montgomery Hernandez Paul
Bernal Herrero Perez
Bhojani Hinojosa Plesa
Bonnen Holland Price
Bowers Howard Ramos
Bryant Hull Raney
Buckley Hunter Raymond
Bucy Isaac Reynolds
Bumgarner Jetton Rogers
Burns Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burrows A. Johnson of Harris Rose
Button J. Johnson of Harris Rosenthal
Cain Jones of Dallas Schaefer
Campos Jones of Harris Schatzline
Canales Kacal Schofield
Capriglione King of Hemphill Shaheen
Clardy King of Uvalde Sherman, Sr.
Cole Kitzman Shine
Collier Klick Slaton
Cook Kuempel Slawson
Cortez Lalani Smith
Craddick Lambert Smithee
Cunningham Landgraf Spiller
Darby Leach Stucky
Davis Leo-Wilson Swanson
Dean Longoria Talarico
DeAyala Lopez of Bexar Tepper
Dorazio Lopez of Cameron Thierry
Dutton Lozano Thimesch
Flores Lujan Thompson of Brazoria
Frank Manuel Thompson of Harris
Frazier Martinez Tinderholt
Gamez Martinez Fischer Toth
Garcia Metcalf Troxclair
Gates Meyer Turner
Gerdes Meza VanDeaver
Geren Moody Vasut
Gervin-Hawkins Morales of Harris Vo
Goldman Morales of Maverick Walle
González of Dallas Morales Shaw Wilson
González of El Paso Morrison Wu
Goodwin Muñoz, Jr. Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1311 was adopted by the House on May 3,
  2023, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House