88R25980 EME-D
  By: King of Uvalde H.R. No. 1372
         WHEREAS, The tragic passing of Jose Manuel Flores Jr. of
  Uvalde on May 24, 2022, at the age of 10, brought an unimaginable
  loss to the family and friends of this beloved young boy; and
         WHEREAS, Jose Flores Jr. was born on November 10, 2011, to
  Alyssa Mae Rodriguez and Jose Manuel Flores; his devoted family
  included his stepmother, Cynthia Herrera, and he was a doting
  brother to his five siblings, Jayden, Jayce, John, Andrea, and San
  Juana; and
         WHEREAS, Renowned for his helpfulness around the house, Jose
  assisted in various tasks, including caring for his infant brother;
  in keeping with his desire to be of service to others, he dreamed of
  growing up to become a police officer; he was an honor roll student
  at his school, and in his free time, he enjoyed playing baseball and
  video games; and
         WHEREAS, Although his time with them was all too brief, Jose
  Flores Jr. enriched the lives of his loved ones immeasurably, and he
  will forever hold a special place in their hearts; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Jose Manuel
  Flores Jr. and extend deepest condolences to the members of his
  family: to his parents, Jose Manuel Flores and Alyssa Mae
  Rodriguez; to his stepmother, Cynthia Herrera; to his brothers,
  Jayden Alexander Flores, Jayce Axel Flores, and John Andrew Silva;
  to his sisters, Andrea Herrera and San Juana Silva; to his
  grandparents, Pedro Flores and Concepcion Escamilla; to his other
  relatives and friends; and to the countless others in Uvalde and
  beyond who mourn his passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Jose Flores