WHEREAS, Phyllis Speer Foley is retiring as a kindergarten |
teacher with the Leon Independent School District in May 2023, |
drawing to a close an exceptional career with the district that has |
spanned half a century; and |
WHEREAS, An alum of Leon ISD, Phyllis Foley was hired to teach |
second grade for the district in 1973 after earning her degree in |
education from Sam Houston State University; shortly before the |
beginning of the school year, she was informed that she would be |
launching the district's kindergarten program instead, and she |
started the year with no curriculum, no supplies, and more than 20 |
eager students; despite the challenges, she persevered and went on |
to serve as the district's only kindergarten teacher for the next |
several years; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Foley also drove a school bus for Leon ISD, and |
while working, she went back to school to obtain a master's degree; |
she has taught three generations of local families over the years, |
and she has adapted to numerous changes in administration, |
requirements, curriculum, and technology, attending many workshops |
and training programs along the way; and |
WHEREAS, A devoted wife and mother, Mrs. Foley shared a |
rewarding marriage of 47 years with her husband, the late Tommy |
Foley, and today she enjoys the love and support of their four |
children; and |
WHEREAS, Through her skill, professionalism, and commitment |
to excellence, Phyllis Foley has made a profound and positive |
difference in the lives of countless young Texans, and her |
contributions to the district will resonate for years to come; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate kindergarten teacher Phyllis Speer |
Foley on her retirement from the Leon Independent School District |
and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mrs. Foley as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |