By: Cortez H.R. No. 1422
         WHEREAS, The CPS Energy Board of Trustees elected Janie
  Martinez Gonzalez and Dr. Francine Sanders Romero as the chair and
  vice chair, respectively, on January 30, 2023, marking the first
  time that two women will lead the board together; and
         WHEREAS, First named to the board of trustees in 2019, Janie
  Martinez Gonzalez also chairs the CPS Energy technology and
  resilience and personnel committees and serves on the nominations,
  operations oversight, and risk management committees; this
  respected entrepreneur and philanthropist founded one of the first
  web development companies in South Texas, Webhead, and she went on
  to establish LATINA CEO, a professional consultant firm for
  minority women, and the Cascarón Bash, a charity event; she is also
  a member of the boards of a number of worthy organizations,
  including the Southside First Economic Development Council and the
  Young Women's Leadership Academy Foundation; she is a graduate of
  The University of Texas at San Antonio and the UT Austin McCombs
  School of Business; and
         WHEREAS, Beginning her tenure on the CPS Energy Board of
  Trustees in 2022, Dr. Francine Sanders Romero acts as chair of the
  operations oversight and risk management committees in addition to
  serving as vice chair of the board of trustees; she is an associate
  professor at UTSA and chair of the university's Department of
  Public Administration; active in her community, she has given
  generously of her time and talents through leadership roles with
  the Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy and the Hill Country Alliance,
  among other organizations, and she has made vital contributions to
  the City of San Antonio Conservation Advisory Board; she holds a
  master's degree and doctorate in political science from the
  University of California, Riverside; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout their careers, these exceptional women
  have demonstrated their dedication, professionalism, and
  long-standing commitment to their fellow citizens, and it is a
  pleasure to recognize them as they usher in a new era in the history
  of CPS Energy; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Janie Martinez Gonzalez and
  Dr. Francine Sanders Romero on their election as chair and vice
  chair of the CPS Energy Board of Trustees and extend to them sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for Ms. Gonzalez and Dr. Romero as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.