WHEREAS, Sara Thomas has received the 2023 Leadership |
McKinney Alumnus of the Year award from the McKinney Chamber of |
Commerce; and |
WHEREAS, Established in 1988, the Leadership McKinney |
program provides participants with personal leadership training as |
well as opportunities to learn more about community issues and to |
meet with local experts in the public and private sector; and |
WHEREAS, Each year, the McKinney Chamber of Commerce honors a |
graduate of the Leadership McKinney program that has made a |
lasting, positive impact on the community while serving as a role |
model for others; nominees for the Alumnus of the Year award have |
demonstrated leadership in their profession and have earned the |
respect and admiration of their peers and colleagues; and |
WHEREAS, Ms. Thomas currently serves as the area production |
manager at Cadence Bank, and she has distinguished herself through |
her dedication, hard work, and commitment to service; and |
WHEREAS, Sara Thomas has greatly benefited her fellow |
citizens through her wide-ranging contributions to her community, |
and she is indeed a deserving recipient of this notable accolade; |
now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Sara Thomas on receiving the 2023 |
Leadership McKinney Alumnus of the Year award from the McKinney |
Chamber of Commerce and extend to her sincere best wishes for the |
future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Ms. Thomas as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |
Frazier |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1465 was adopted by the House on May |
19, 2023, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |