88R29130 CW-D
  By: Neave Criado H.R. No. 1750
         WHEREAS, The annual Run For The Blue Dallas is being hosted by
  the Blue Guardian Foundation on July 8, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, The Blue Guardian Foundation is a nonprofit
  organization that provides financial assistance to law enforcement
  officers and their families across the nation in times of need; the
  group further benefits officers and their families by offering
  training and scholarship opportunities; and
         WHEREAS, Run For The Blue Dallas was established in the wake
  of the tragic shooting on July 7, 2016, that claimed the lives of
  four members of the Dallas Police Department and one member of the
  Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police and that wounded eight additional
  officers; the event features both a 5K run/walk and a one-mile
  run/walk as well as ceremonies in tribute to the fallen and injured
  officers; proceeds from the event benefit the Blue Guardian
  Foundation; and
         WHEREAS, In marking the seven-year anniversary of that
  fateful day, this occasion will not only bring together area
  residents in support of a worthwhile cause but also pay homage to
  those brave Texans who placed themselves in harm's way during the
  ambush in order to protect their fellow citizens; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate Run For The Blue Dallas 2023 and
  extend to its organizers, volunteers, and participants sincere best
  wishes for a meaningful and successful event.