WHEREAS, Family and friends are mourning the loss of Nikki |
Roquemore Calhoun of Palestine, who passed away on February 25, |
2023, at the age of 79; and |
WHEREAS, The daughter of Abb Leroy Roquemore II and Eva Grace |
Roquemore, Nikki Calhoun was born on March 4, 1943, in Palestine and |
grew up with the companionship of two brothers, Abb and Marc; she |
graduated from Palestine High School in 1961 and continued her |
studies at Sam Houston State University; and |
WHEREAS, Over the course of four decades, Mrs. Calhoun |
enjoyed a fulfilling career in education; she served as a teacher |
and as principal of Southside Elementary School before retiring |
from the Palestine Independent School District in 2009; an engaged |
member of her community, she was actively involved with the |
Palestine Public Library Board, and she also belonged to the Texas |
Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Calhoun was preceded in death by her husband, |
Ronald Ray Calhoun; she was a devoted mother to her son, Cameron, |
and with the passing years, she had the privilege of welcoming into |
her family four beloved grandchildren, Hallie, Jackson, George, and |
Harry; in her leisure time, she liked to read, garden, and play |
tennis; and |
WHEREAS, While her loss is difficult to bear, Nikki Roquemore |
Calhoun leaves behind numerous friends and loved ones whose lives |
are far richer for having known her, and she will always hold a |
treasured place in their hearts; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Nikki Roquemore |
Calhoun and extend sincere condolences to all who mourn her |
passing; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Nikki |
Calhoun. |