88R30553 CW-D
  By: Ordaz H.R. No. 2108
         WHEREAS, Patricia Newman has ably served her fellow Texans as
  legislative director in the office of State Representative Claudia
  Ordaz during the 88th Legislature; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Newman's resourcefulness and initiative have
  earned her the appreciation of her colleagues, and her
  contributions to carrying forth Representative Ordaz's legislative
  agenda have helped address issues facing citizens across the Lone
  Star State; she has distinguished herself through her tireless work
  in support of bills related to women's health, animal welfare, and
  other important matters in El Paso and El Paso County; and
         WHEREAS, Prior to taking on her current duties, Ms. Newman
  had most recently served as an interim chief of staff, from August
  2021 through June 2022; she also worked as a legislative director in
  2020 and 2021, and she gained experience through her role as a
  legislative aide in 2018, 2019, and 2020; she holds a political
  science degree from Texas State University; and
         WHEREAS, In all her endeavors, Ms. Newman has demonstrated an
  unwavering commitment to the people of Texas that is matched only by
  her love of Taylor Swift; and
         WHEREAS, This esteemed public employee has performed her
  duties as legislative director with skill and dedication, and she
  is indeed deserving of special recognition for her fine work; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Patricia Newman for her service as
  legislative director in the office of State Representative Claudia
  Ordaz and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success in
  all her endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Newman as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.