WHEREAS, Midiam Espinosa of Duncanville High School has been |
named the 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year in the Duncanville |
Independent School District; and |
WHEREAS, A solid education is vital for young people to |
become successful and productive adults, and those men and women |
who dedicate their careers to teaching make a positive difference |
in the lives of their students and in the greater community; and |
WHEREAS, Ms. Espinosa teaches AP Spanish literature at |
Duncanville High School, and over the course of her six-year |
tenure, she has distinguished herself as department chair, |
department curriculum coordinator, advanced placement coordinator, |
and mentor; she has also served as sponsor of the Spanish Club and |
as a member of the Multicultural Committee; the recipient of an AP |
Educator Excellence Award in 2022, she holds a bachelor's degree |
from Texas Woman's University and a master's degree from The |
University of Texas at Arlington; and |
WHEREAS, Midiam Espinosa exemplifies the passion, |
determination, and innovative spirit that are the hallmarks of our |
best teachers, and she has set a standard of excellence to which all |
in her profession may aspire; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Midiam Espinosa on her selection as |
the 2023 Secondary Teacher of the Year in the Duncanville |
Independent School District and extend to her sincere best wishes |
for continued success with her important work; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Ms. Espinosa as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |