88R32641 TBO-D
  By: Hinojosa H.R. No. 2328
         WHEREAS, Helen Kent-Davis has distinguished herself through
  her 25 years of advocacy on women's and children's health issues in
  Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Kent-Davis played an instrumental role in
  establishing the Children's Health Coverage Coalition, and over the
  course of two decades, the organization has become a leading voice
  for children covered by Medicaid and the Children's Health
  Insurance Program; she also helped found the Texas Women's
  Healthcare Coalition, which has worked tirelessly to support
  women's health in Texas; and
         WHEREAS, In her current role with the Texas Medical
  Association, Ms. Kent-Davis contributes her expertise in a wide
  range of health care issues, including Medicaid, health care
  coverage, maternal health, primary care, delivery system reform,
  and rural health; she has most recently worked with the Texas Health &
  Human Services Commission to develop plans to reenroll nearly six
  million Medicaid recipients following the end of the COVID-19
  public health emergency; and
         WHEREAS, Helen Kent-Davis has made a meaningful difference in
  the lives of countless Texans through her compassionate leadership,
  collaborative spirit, and commitment to serving those in need, and
  she is indeed deserving of special recognition for her outstanding
  record of accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Helen Kent-Davis for her 25 years of
  advocacy on women's and children's health issues in Texas and extend
  to her sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Kent-Davis as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.