88R33029 SCL-D
  By: Guillen H.R. No. 2477
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, That House Rule 13,
  Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule 13,
  Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
  resolve the differences on House Bill 4635 (organized crime,
  racketeering activities, and collection of unlawful debts) to
  consider and take action on the following matter:
         House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(1), (2), and (3) are suspended
  to permit the committee to change, alter, or amend text not in
  disagreement by adding text on a matter not in disagreement and
  omitting text not in disagreement in proposed SECTION 6 of the bill,
  so that the text of added Section 72.01(7), Penal Code, reads as
               (7)  "Unlawful debt" means any money or other thing of
  value constituting principal or interest of a debt that is wholly or
  partly legally unenforceable in this state because the debt was
  incurred or contracted:
                     (A)  in violation of:
                           (i)  the Texas Racing Act (Subtitle A-1,
  Title 13, Occupations Code, and Article 179e, Revised Civil
                           (ii)  Subtitle A, Title 4, Finance Code, or
  Section 11, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, relating to interest
  and usury, if the usurious rate is at least twice the enforceable
  rate; or
                           (iii)  Chapter 47, relating to gambling; or
                     (B)  in gambling activity in violation of federal
  law or in the business of lending money at a rate usurious under
  state law if the usurious rate is at least twice the enforceable
         Explanation: The change is necessary to provide the scope of
  a usurious rate for purposes of the definition of "unlawful debt"
  and make a nonsubstantive change to a citation.