WHEREAS, The 20 fellows of the 2023 Moreno/Rangel Legislative |
Leadership Program have ably served their fellow Texans during the |
88th Legislative Session; and |
WHEREAS, The program is sponsored by the Mexican American |
Legislative Leadership Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan |
organization established by the Mexican American Legislative |
Caucus to foster the development of leadership skills among Latino |
youth; in 2003, the foundation launched its fellowship to offer |
outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to |
gain firsthand experience in the functions and operations of the |
Texas House of Representatives during a legislative session; it is |
named in honor of the late Paul C. Moreno, the longest-serving |
Hispanic member of the House, and the late Irma Rangel, the first |
Mexican American woman to serve in the Texas Legislature; and |
WHEREAS, In 2023, the program welcomed the largest class of |
fellows since its inception, including Abigail Guerra, Kimberly |
Guzmán, Carolina Vanegas, Marla Lopez, Nallely Najera, Pete |
Pascone, Alejandro Talamantes Martinez, Matthew Lopez, Azul |
Martinez, Herlinda Resendiz, Leslie Mireles, Maria "Mona" Ramirez |
Campos, Saul Fontes, Jose Camacho, Elena Tamez, Sol Macias-Thomas, |
Julio Mena Bernal, Arleth Amaya, Eloy Barrera, and Adison Denham; |
and |
WHEREAS, During the session, these 20 talented students |
worked alongside veteran staff on policy matters in the offices of |
representatives, and they participated in weekly seminars where |
they interacted with Latino leaders, elected officials, and state |
agency personnel; their challenging responsibilities helped them |
learn more about the legislative process and the issues facing |
citizens of the Lone Star State; moreover, they gained valuable |
insights into the nature of public service and the many ways in |
which they can contribute to their communities; and |
WHEREAS, The fellows of the 2023 Moreno/Rangel Legislative |
Leadership Program performed their duties as policy aides with |
skill and dedication, and they are indeed deserving of special |
recognition for their fine work; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby commend the fellows of the 2023 Moreno/Rangel |
Legislative Leadership Program for their exceptional efforts and |
extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared |
for the fellows as an expression of high regard by the Texas House |
of Representatives. |