88R32987 CJM-D
  By: Morales of Maverick H.R. No. 2496
         WHEREAS, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Erasmo Palos of
  Eagle Pass gave his life in service to our nation on March 31, 1968,
  at the age of 22; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Agustin and Elena Palos, Erasmo Palos was
  born on January 8, 1946, and he grew up with the companionship of
  seven siblings, Guadalupe, Martha, Bertha, Elidia, Manuel, Elva,
  and Daniel; he attended local schools, and during his youth, he
  played baseball and participated in 4-H clubs; he also enjoyed a
  rewarding career in the retail industry, and in his leisure time, he
  liked to play guitar and sing; and
         WHEREAS, Answering his nation's call to duty, Mr. Palos
  joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1966, and he completed his basic
  training at Camp Pendleton in San Diego County, California; he went
  on to serve in the Philippines for a year, and he began a tour of
  duty in South Vietnam on February 26, 1968; assigned to the
  Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st
  Marine Division, III Marine Amphibious Force, he was killed in
  action at the Battle at Truoi River Bridge; he held the rank of
  lance corporal at the time of his death; and
         WHEREAS, Lance Corporal Palos received the National Defense
  Service Medal and the Rifle Sharpshooter Badge, and his posthumous
  military honors include the Purple Heart, the Republic of Vietnam
  Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Republic of Vietnam
  Meritorious Unit Citation, the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, the
  Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, and the
  Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon; he was also recognized in the
  Vietnam War 50th Year Commemoration by President Barack Obama; and
         WHEREAS, Serving with honor, courage, and dedication, Lance
  Corporal Erasmo Palos embodied the highest ideals of the United
  States armed forces, and for his immeasurable sacrifice, Americans
  owe him a profound debt that the passage of time can never diminish;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Lance Corporal
  Erasmo Palos and commend his family for faithfully preserving his
  legacy; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Erasmo