By: Neave Criado H.R. No. 2503
         WHEREAS, The Mexican American Legislative Caucus is
  celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2023; and
         WHEREAS, Founded in the Texas House of Representatives in
  1973 by lawmakers of Mexican American heritage, the caucus is the
  nation's oldest and largest Latino legislative caucus; its members
  are dedicated to serving as a voice for a united Latino constituency
  across the state; and
         WHEREAS, The caucus has played a strong role in writing
  legislation and shepherding it through passage; in the 1980s, it
  pushed through the Bilingual Education Act, unemployment
  compensation legislation that included farmworkers, and a minimum
  wage bill for farmworkers; it also tamped down the "English-only"
  movement; members later successfully fought to increase funding for
  higher education in South Texas and the border region, and they
  helped shape the redistricting process; in the 1990s, in light of
  the growth of the Hispanic population, MALC opened membership
  eligibility to House members of any race or ethnicity who represent
  majority-Latino constituencies; and
         WHEREAS, Paul Moreno of El Paso became the first chair of MALC
  in 1975; the current chair, Representative Victoria Neave Criado,
  is the first Latina to lead the caucus in three decades; the House
  now has 17 Latinas, the largest number yet; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to Chair Neave Criado, the current
  caucus roster includes officers Vice Chair Christina Morales,
  Treasurer Mary Ann Perez, Counsel Armando Walle, and Secretary
  Armando Martinez, as well as Whip Ramon Romero Jr., Deputy Whips
  Elizabeth Campos, Ana-Maria Ramos, Jessica González, Penny
  Morales-Shaw, and members Sergio Muñoz Jr., Gina Hinojosa, Trey
  Martinez Fischer, Bobby Guerra, Ryan Guillen, Richard Peña Raymond,
  Erin Gámez, Lulu Flores, Joe Moody, Lina Ortega, Mary González,
  Claudia Ordaz, Tracy O. King, John Lujan, Gene Wu, Diego Bernal,
  Rafael Anchía, Philip Cortez, Eddie Morales, Oscar Longoria, Terry
  Canales, J. M. Lozano, Ana Hernandez, Ray Lopez, Terry Meza, Abel
  Herrero, Janie Lopez, and Josey Garcia; and
         WHEREAS, Over the past half century, the Mexican American
  Legislative Caucus has advanced issues important to the Latino
  community while working to make the Lone Star State a better place
  for all, and it is indeed appropriate to recognize its
  contributions; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding
  of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus and honor its members
  for their service to the citizens of Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the caucus as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.