WHEREAS, The city of Georgetown is celebrating the 175th |
anniversary of its founding in 2023, and this occasion provides a |
fitting opportunity to reflect on the history of this vibrant |
Central Texas city; and |
WHEREAS, Established in 1848 as the county seat of Williamson |
County, the city was named after George Washington Glasscock, who |
donated land for the site, along with his partner, Thomas B. Huling; |
the community grew in importance with the establishment of |
Southwestern University in 1873 and the completion of a rail line to |
the town five years later, and the early economy centered around |
agriculture and cattle, with a cotton boom starting in the 1880s; |
and |
WHEREAS, Currently one of the fastest-growing cities in the |
country, Georgetown is home to more than 86,000 residents; despite |
its rapid expansion, the city has retained its historic charm, |
carefully preserving the Classical Revival and Late Victorian |
architecture of the Williamson County Courthouse Historic |
District; the city also features a wide range of popular |
attractions, including the Georgetown Palace Theatre, the |
Williamson Museum, Inner Space Cavern, and Blue Hole Park; and |
WHEREAS, The citizens of Georgetown are working to safeguard |
the best of their past while building a future of expanding |
opportunity, and it is a pleasure to honor their contributions to |
the story of the Lone Star State on the occasion of this notable |
milestone; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas |
Legislature hereby commemorate the 175th anniversary of the |
founding of Georgetown and extend to its residents sincere best |
wishes for the future. |