By: Paxton, Hall, Middleton S.B. No. 417
  relating to electronic device filters for certain explicit
  material; providing a civil penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Business & Commerce Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 121 to read as follows:
         Sec. 121.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Activate" means the process of powering on an
  electronic device and associating the device with a new user
               (2)  "Electronic device" means a device with a screen
  that is capable of connecting to a cellular network or the Internet.
               (3)  "Explicit material" means visual material
                     (A)  the intimate parts of a person;
                     (B)  sexual conduct; or
                     (C)  simulated sexual conduct.
               (4)  "Filter" means software installed on an electronic
  device that is capable of preventing the device from accessing or
  displaying explicit material.
               (5)  "Intimate parts" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 21.16, Penal Code.
               (6)  "Manufacturer" means a person that:
                     (A)  is engaged in the business of manufacturing
  electronic devices or holds a patent for an electronic device; and
                     (B)  maintains a registered agent under Section
  5.201, Business Organizations Code.
               (7)  "Minor" means a person younger than 18 years of age
                     (A)  has never been married; and
                     (B)  has not had the disabilities of minority
  removed for general purposes.
               (8)  "Sexual conduct" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 21.16, Penal Code.
               (9)  "Simulated" has the meaning assigned by Section
  21.16, Penal Code.
               (10)  "Visual material" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 21.16, Penal Code.
         Sec. 121.002.  APPLICABILITY.  This chapter does not apply
  to a telecommunications provider who activates an electronic device
  on behalf of a user.
         Sec. 121.003.  ELECTRONIC DEVICE FILTER REQUIRED. (a) A
  manufacturer shall automatically enable a filter on an electronic
  device that is activated in this state.
         (b)  A filter described by Subsection (a), when enabled,
               (1)  prevent a minor user from accessing, downloading,
  or displaying explicit material through use of:
                     (A)  a mobile data network;
                     (B)  an Internet network, including Wi-Fi; or
                     (C)  a software application owned and controlled
  by the manufacturer of the electronic device;
               (2)  notify the user of the electronic device when the
  filter prevents the device from accessing or displaying explicit
               (3)  allow the user of the electronic device or a minor
  user's parent or guardian to circumvent the filter by entering a
  password or access code; and
               (4)  reasonably prevent a user of the electronic device
  from circumventing, modifying, removing, or uninstalling the
  filter without entering a password or access code.
         Sec. 121.004.  VIOLATION. (a) A manufacturer violates this
  chapter if:
               (1)  the manufacturer manufactures an electronic
  device that is activated in this state;
               (2)  the device does not automatically enable a filter
  under Section 121.003; and
               (3)  a minor user accesses explicit material on the
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a manufacturer does not
  violate this chapter if the manufacturer makes a good faith effort
  to provide an electronic device that automatically enables a filter
  under Section 121.003.
         Sec. 121.051.  CIVIL PENALTY.  (a) A manufacturer who
  violates Section 121.004(a) is liable to this state for a civil
  penalty in an amount not to exceed $30,000 for each violation.
         (b)  The attorney general may bring an action in the name of
  the state to recover a civil penalty under this section.  The
  attorney general may recover attorney's fees and costs incurred in
  bringing an action under this section.
         (c)  The action may be brought in a district court in:
               (1)  Travis County; or
               (2)  a county in which any part of the violation or
  threatened violation occurs.
         (d)  The attorney general shall deposit a civil penalty
  collected under this section in the state treasury to the credit of
  the general revenue fund.
         Sec. 121.052.  CIVIL ACTION AGAINST MANUFACTURER. (a) A
  parent or guardian of a minor user of an electronic device who
  accesses explicit material on the device due to the actions of a
  manufacturer under Section 121.004(a) may bring a civil action
  against the manufacturer of the device.
         (b)  A parent or guardian who brings an action under this
  section shall provide written notice of the action to the attorney
         (c)  Notwithstanding Sections 41.003 and 41.004, Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code, a parent or guardian who prevails in an
  action under this section is entitled to recover:
               (1)  damages in the amount of $10,000;
               (2)  court costs; and
               (3)  attorney's fees.
         (d)  A court may certify an action brought against a
  manufacturer under this section as a class action.
         Sec. 121.053.  OTHER ACTION BY ATTORNEY GENERAL.  (a) In
  addition to collecting the penalty under Section 121.051, the
  attorney general may bring a civil action to enjoin a manufacturer
  from further violating this chapter.
         (b)  The attorney general may join an action for which the
  attorney general receives notice under Section 121.052(b).
         (c)  The court shall permit the attorney general to join an
  action in accordance with Subsection (b) not later than the 30th day
  after the date the attorney general receives notice of the action.
         (d)  If the attorney general joins an action in accordance
  with Subsection (b), the attorney general may seek the remedies
  provided under Subsection (a) and Section 121.051.
         SECTION 2.  Not later than January 1, 2024, each
  manufacturer shall implement a software update to automatically
  enable an electronic device filter on an electronic device in this
  state or a device associated with a user account for a user in this
  state, as required by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2024.