By: Johnson  S.B. No. 1212
         (In the Senate - Filed February 24, 2023; March 9, 2023,
  read first time and referred to Committee on Business & Commerce;
  April 12, 2023, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 11, Nays 0; April 12, 2023,
  sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  relating to the interconnection and integration of distributed
  energy resources.
         SECTION 1.  Section 31.002, Utilities Code, is amended by
  adding Subdivisions (2-a) and (4-c) and amending Subdivision (10)
  to read as follows:
               (2-a)  "Aggregated distributed energy resource" means
  a group of distributed energy resources joined together to be
  operated as a single distributed energy resource.
               (4-c)  "Distributed energy resource" means a source of
  electricity connected at a voltage less than 60 kilovolts,
  including electric energy storage, distributed generation,
  distributed natural gas generation, or electric vehicles that
  provide electricity onto the distribution system. The term does
  not include a facility that provides temporary emergency electric
  energy under Section 39.918.
               (10)  "Power generation company" means a person[,
  including a person who owns or operates a distributed natural gas
  generation facility,] that:
                     (A)  generates electricity that is intended to be
  sold at wholesale, including the owner or operator of electric
  energy storage equipment or facilities to which Subchapter E,
  Chapter 35, applies;
                     (B)  does not own a transmission or distribution
  facility in this state other than an essential interconnecting
  facility, a facility not dedicated to public use, or a facility
  otherwise excluded from the definition of "electric utility" under
  this section; and
                     (C)  does not have a certificated service area,
  although its affiliated electric utility, [or] transmission and
  distribution utility, municipally owned utility, or electric
  cooperative may have a certificated service area.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter H, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is
  amended by adding Section 39.3515 to read as follows:
  RESOURCES. (a) An owner or operator of a distributed energy
  resource may provide energy or ancillary services in the wholesale
  market in the ERCOT power region through generating electricity and
  providing that electricity onto a distribution system only if:
               (1)  the owner or operator is registered with the
  commission as a power generation company under Section 39.351 and
  authorized by the independent organization certified under Section
  39.151 for the ERCOT power region; or
               (2)  the distributed energy resource is part of an
  aggregated distributed energy resource and:
                     (A)  is included in the registration of a power
  generation company under Section 39.351 and the independent
  organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power
  region; and
                     (B)  has complied with the interconnection
  requirements of the interconnecting transmission and distribution
  utility, municipally owned utility, or electric cooperative.
         (b)  The commission may establish simplified filing
  requirements to facilitate the registration of aggregated
  distributed energy resources. The filing requirements must require
  the registrant to disclose the name of the power generation company
  that operates the aggregated distributed energy resource.
         (c)  A facility described by Section 39.914 or 39.916 is not
  considered to be a distributed energy resource unless the facility
  is interconnected and operated in parallel with the distribution
  system, and either:
               (1)  electricity from the facility provides energy or
  ancillary services in the wholesale market in the ERCOT power
  region in a manner described by this section; or
               (2)  at the time the facility is installed, the
  estimated annual amount of electricity to be produced by the
  facility is more than the retail electric customer's estimated
  annual electricity consumption.
         (d)  The commission by rule shall:
               (1)  authorize the registrations described by
  Subsection (a); and
               (2)  adopt procedures for the creation of aggregated
  distributed energy resources.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter O to read as follows:
  interconnecting transmission and distribution utility, municipally
  owned utility, or electric cooperative is not required to provide
  an owner or operator of a distributed energy resource access to the
  utility's meter equipment if access to essential metering
  information is made available by the utility or cooperative.
         Sec. 39.702.  INTEGRATION AND COST RECOVERY. (a) The
  commission by rule shall establish for the ERCOT power region:
               (1)  requirements for the dispatchability,
  reliability, and other characteristics of each type or
  classification of distributed energy resource;
               (2)  appropriate disclosure requirements and other
  customer protections for residential and small commercial
  customers of providers of aggregated distributed energy services;
               (3)  information an owner or operator of a distributed
  energy resource must provide to the interconnecting transmission
  and distribution utility, municipally owned utility, or electric
  cooperative to ensure the resource will not adversely affect the
  transmission or distribution system;
               (4)  interconnection guidelines that address:
                     (A)  the determination of whether a given
  interconnection or combination of interconnections would exceed a
  transmission and distribution utility's, municipally owned
  utility's, or electric cooperative's system capacity in a
  particular location;
                     (B)  considerations for feeder locations related
  to distributed energy resources;
                     (C)  considerations of the size or capacity of a
  distributed energy resource;
                     (D)  the assessment by the interconnecting
  transmission and distribution utility, municipally owned utility,
  or electric cooperative of potential impacts to other customers in
  the area of the distributed energy resource; and
                     (E)  other operating parameters necessary for the
  transmission and distribution utility's, municipally owned
  utility's, or electric cooperative's reliable operation of its
  transmission and distribution system;
               (5)  a methodology for the appropriate allocation and
  recovery of the transmission and distribution utility's,
  municipally owned utility's, or electric cooperative's costs to
  interconnect a distributed energy resource; and
               (6)  requirements for the independent organization
  certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power region to report
  to the commission periodically:
                     (A)  the categories and generation levels of
  distributed energy resources allowed to participate in the ERCOT
  wholesale market;
                     (B)  the categories and megawatt levels of
  aggregated distributed energy resources allowed to participate in
  the ERCOT wholesale market;
                     (C)  performance metrics for distributed energy
  resources allowed to participate in the ERCOT wholesale market; and
                     (D)  other information the commission may
         (b)  The commission shall authorize a transmission and
  distribution utility and, as applicable, a municipally owned
  utility or electric cooperative, to:
               (1)  defer for recovery in a later ratemaking
  proceeding the incremental operations and maintenance expenses, or
  other expenses, and the return, not otherwise recovered in a rate
  proceeding, associated with the installation, modification,
  upgrade, or maintenance of its transmission or distribution
  facilities required by an interconnection with a distributed energy
  resource; and
               (2)  request recovery of the costs associated with an
  interconnection with a distributed energy resource, including any
  deferred expenses, through a proceeding under Section 35.004 or
  36.210 or in another ratemaking proceeding regardless of whether
  the utility or cooperative first requested recovery in a base-rate
         (c)  Facilities required by an interconnection with a
  distributed energy resource are considered used and useful in
  providing service to the public and are prudent and includable in
  the rate base, regardless of the extent of the actual use of the
         (d)  This subchapter does not:
               (1)  require or authorize a distribution service
  provider to procure distributed energy resource services to enable
  the operation of the distribution system;
               (2)  require a distribution service provider to
  disclose to any third party, except as required by the independent
  system operator, the provider's system planning information,
  studies, models, critical infrastructure information, or other
  confidential information;
               (3)  diminish a distribution service provider's rights
  or obligations to own or operate its distribution system and
  provide electric delivery service to retail customers in the
  provider's certificated service area;
               (4)  obligate a distribution service provider to
  interconnect a distributed energy resource with a capacity equal to
  or greater than 10 megawatts; or
               (5)  prohibit an interconnecting distribution service
  provider from shedding a distributed energy resource, or otherwise
  obligate an interconnecting distribution service provider to
  provide preferential treatment to feeders with distributed energy
  resources, to meet its load shedding obligations during an
  involuntary load shedding event initiated by the independent system
  operator or a planned or unplanned outage of the distribution
         Sec. 39.703.  LIABILITY. An interconnecting transmission
  and distribution utility, municipally owned utility, electric
  cooperative, or retail electric provider providing service to a
  distributed energy resource to which this subchapter applies is not
  liable for:
               (1)  a violation of reliability or service metrics
  caused by distributed energy resource operations that violate its
  interconnection agreement; or
               (2)  a distributed energy resource's inability or
  failure to provide services that violate its interconnection
  agreement or a penalty for such inability or failure.
         SECTION 4.  (a) This section takes effect only if the Act of
  the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, relating to
  nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes
  becomes law.
         (b)  Subchapter Z, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is amended by
  adding Section 39.9166 to read as follows:
         Sec. 39.9166.  DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES. (a) A
  customer who purchases or leases a distributed energy resource or
  enters into a power purchase agreement for a distributed energy
  resource in the ERCOT power region is entitled to the information
  and disclosures required under Chapter 115, Business & Commerce
  Code, and is entitled to protection from fraudulent, unfair,
  misleading, or deceptive practices.
         (b)  An owner or operator of a distributed energy resource
  may provide energy or ancillary services in the wholesale market in
  the ERCOT power region through generating electricity and providing
  that electricity onto a distribution system in an area in which
  customer choice has been introduced in the manner provided by this
         (c)  A person who owns or operates a distributed energy
  resource in an area in which customer choice has been introduced and
  is part of an aggregated distributed energy resource, or has not
  individually registered with the commission as its own power
  generation company, must sell the surplus electricity that is
  produced by the distributed energy resource and not consumed by the
  owner's premise to the retail electric provider that serves the
  premise's load at a value agreed to between the distributed energy
  resource owner and the retail electric provider that serves the
  premise's load. The value may be an agreed value based on the
  clearing price of energy or ancillary service at the time of day
  that the electricity is made available to the grid.
         (d)  A person who operates an aggregated distributed energy
  resource in an area in which customer choice has been introduced is
  subject to customer protection rules established by the commission
  under Chapter 17 and this chapter.
         (e)  A retail electric provider may direct the offering or
  dispatch of aggregated distributed energy resources for which the
  retail electric provider facilitated aggregation.
         (f)  The independent organization certified under Section
  39.151 for the ERCOT power region shall adopt procedures to ensure
  that the amount of electricity purchased from a distributed energy
  resource owner under this section is accounted for when settling
  the total load served by the retail electric provider that serves
  that premise owner's load.
         (g)  A distributed energy resource owner that requests net
  metering services for purposes of this section must have metering
  devices capable of providing measurements consistent with the
  independent organization's settlement requirements.
         (h)  A transmission and distribution utility, municipally
  owned utility, or electric cooperative may provide to customers
  educational information regarding the technical requirements for
  the interconnection of distributed energy resources to the
  distribution system.  The provision of information under this
  subsection is not considered a competitive energy service.
         (i)  This section does not apply to a purchase or agreement
  entered into under Section 39.914 or 39.916.
         SECTION 5.  (a) This section takes effect only if the Act of
  the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, relating to
  nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes does
  not become law.
         (b)  Subchapter Z, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is amended by
  adding Section 39.9166 to read as follows:
         Sec. 39.9166.  DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES. (a) A
  customer who purchases or leases a distributed energy resource or
  enters into a power purchase agreement for a distributed energy
  resource in the ERCOT power region is entitled to the information
  and disclosures required under Chapter 113, Business & Commerce
  Code, as added by Chapter 561 (S.B. 398), Acts of the 87th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, and is entitled to protection
  from fraudulent, unfair, misleading, or deceptive practices.
         (b)  An owner or operator of a distributed energy resource
  may provide energy or ancillary services in the wholesale market in
  the ERCOT power region through generating electricity and providing
  that electricity onto a distribution system in an area in which
  customer choice has been introduced in the manner provided by this
         (c)  A person who owns or operates a distributed energy
  resource in an area in which customer choice has been introduced and
  is part of an aggregated distributed energy resource, or has not
  individually registered with the commission as its own power
  generation company, must sell the surplus electricity that is
  produced by the distributed energy resource and not consumed by the
  owner's premise to the retail electric provider that serves the
  premise's load at a value agreed to between the distributed energy
  resource owner and the retail electric provider that serves the
  premise's load. The value may be an agreed value based on the
  clearing price of energy or ancillary service at the time of day
  that the electricity is made available to the grid.
         (d)  A person who operates an aggregated distributed energy
  resource in an area in which customer choice has been introduced is
  subject to customer protection rules established by the commission
  under Chapter 17 and this chapter.
         (e)  A retail electric provider may direct the offering or
  dispatch of aggregated distributed energy resources for which the
  retail electric provider facilitated aggregation.
         (f)  The independent organization certified under Section
  39.151 for the ERCOT power region shall adopt procedures to ensure
  that the amount of electricity purchased from a distributed energy
  resource owner under this section is accounted for when settling
  the total load served by the retail electric provider that serves
  that premise owner's load.
         (g)  A distributed energy resource owner that requests net
  metering services for purposes of this section must have metering
  devices capable of providing measurements consistent with the
  independent organization's settlement requirements.
         (h)  A transmission and distribution utility, municipally
  owned utility, or electric cooperative may provide to customers
  educational information regarding the technical requirements for
  the interconnection of distributed energy resources to the
  distribution system.  The provision of information under this
  subsection is not considered a competitive energy service.
         (i)  This section does not apply to a purchase or agreement
  entered into under Section 39.914 or 39.916.
         SECTION 6.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the Public Utility Commission of Texas shall adopt
  rules necessary to implement the changes in law made by this Act.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.
  * * * * *