88R12167 MPF-F
  By: Miles S.B. No. 1347
  relating to certain health care entities and medical committees,
  including peer review committees.
         SECTION 1.  Section 161.031(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this subchapter, "medical committee" includes any
  committee, including a joint committee, of:
               (1)  a hospital;
               (1-a)  a health care system;
               (2)  a medical organization;
               (3)  a university medical school or health science
               (4)  a health maintenance organization licensed under
  Chapter 843, Insurance Code, including an independent practice
  association or other physician association whose committee or joint
  committee is a condition of contract with the health maintenance
               (5)  an extended care facility;
               (6)  a hospital district; or
               (7)  a hospital authority.
         SECTION 2.  Section 161.0315(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The governing body of a hospital, health care system,
  medical organization, university medical school or health science
  center, health maintenance organization, extended care facility,
  hospital district, or hospital authority may form a medical peer
  review committee, as defined by Section 151.002, Occupations Code,
  or a medical committee, as defined by Section 161.031, to evaluate
  medical and health care services, except as provided by this
         SECTION 3.  Section 161.032(f), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (f)  This section and Subchapter A, Chapter 160, Occupations
  Code, do not apply to records made or maintained in the regular
  course of business by a hospital, health care system, health
  maintenance organization, medical organization, university medical
  center or health science center, hospital district, hospital
  authority, or extended care facility.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 151.002(a)(5) and (8), Occupations
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
               (5)  "Health care entity" means:
                     (A)  a hospital licensed under Chapter 241 or 577,
  Health and Safety Code;
                     (B)  an entity, including a health maintenance
  organization, group medical practice, nursing home, health science
  center, university medical school, hospital district, hospital
  authority, health care system, or other health care facility, that:
                           (i)  provides or pays for medical care or
  health care services; and
                           (ii)  follows a formal peer review process
  to further quality medical care or health care;
                     (C)  a professional society or association of
  physicians, or a committee of such a society or association, that
  follows a formal peer review process to further quality medical
  care or health care;
                     (D)  an organization established by a
  professional society or association of physicians, hospitals, or
  both, that:
                           (i)  collects and verifies the authenticity
  of documents and other information concerning the qualifications,
  competence, or performance of licensed health care professionals;
                           (ii)  acts as a health care facility's agent
  under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C.
  Section 11101 et seq.); or
                     (E)  a health care collaborative certified under
  Chapter 848, Insurance Code.
               (8)  "Medical peer review committee" or "professional
  review body" means a committee of a health care entity, the
  governing board of a health care entity, or the medical staff of a
  health care entity, that operates under written bylaws approved by
  the policy-making body or the governing board of the health care
  entity and is authorized to evaluate the quality of medical and
  health care services or the competence of physicians, including
  evaluation of the performance of those functions specified by
  Section 85.204, Health and Safety Code.  The term includes:
                     (A)  an employee or agent of the committee,
  including an assistant, investigator, intervenor, attorney, and
  any other person or organization that serves the committee; and
                     (B)  the governing body of a hospital, health care
  system, public hospital owned or operated by a governmental entity,
  [the governing body of a] hospital authority created under Chapter
  262 or 264, Health and Safety Code, and [the governing body of a]
  hospital district created under Article IX, Texas Constitution, but
                           (i)  in relation to the governing body's
  evaluation of the competence of a physician or the quality of
  medical and health care services provided by the hospital, health
  care system, public hospital, hospital authority, or hospital
  district; and
                           (ii)  to the extent that the evaluation
  under Subparagraph (i) involves discussions or records that
  specifically or necessarily identify an individual patient or
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.