By: Huffman S.B. No. 2288
  relating to the creation of the Texas semiconductor innovation
  consortium and fund.
         SECTION 1. Amending Government Code, Chapter 481 to read as
         Sec. 481.610.  ESTABLISHMENT.  The Texas Semiconductor
  Innovation Consortium is established as an advisory panel to the
  governor and the legislature. The objectives of the consortium are:
               (a)leverage the expertise and capacity of institutions
  of higher education, industry, and non-profit stakeholders to
  develop a comprehensive strategic plan to ensure ongoing
  semiconductor innovation;
               (b)  sustain Texas leadership in advanced
  semiconductor research, design, and manufacturing; 
               (c)  attract public and private investment in the state
  related to research, development, commercialization, and
  manufacturing of semiconductors; 
               (d)  identify and expand opportunities for workforce
  training and development related to the research, design, and
  manufacturing of semiconductors; and
               (e)  establish a forum for public and private
  stakeholders across the semiconductor manufacturing industry
  within the state to focus on education, research and development,
  and commercial production.
         Sec. 481.611.  COMPOSITION.(a) The consortium is composed of
  a designee appointed by the office of the president for each of the
  following general academic institutions of higher education:
                     (1)  The University of Texas at Arlington;
                     (2)  The University of Texas at Austin;
                     (3)  The University of Texas at Dallas;
                     (4)  The University of Texas at El Paso;
                     (5)  The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley;
                     (6)  The University of Texas at San Antonio;
                     (7)  Texas A&M University;
                     (8)  Prairie View A&M University;
                     (9)  The University of Houston;
                     (10)  The University of North Texas;
                     (11)  Texas Tech University;
                     (12)  Texas State University;
                     (13)  Lamar University;
                     (14)  Lamar State College - Orange;
                     (15)  Lamar State College - Port Arthur:
                     (16)  Lamar Institute of Technology;
                     (17)  Austin Community College; and
                     (18)  Dallas Community College.
               (b)  In addition to the appointments made under
  Subsection (a), the executive committee established under
  Government Code, Section 481.613 may appoint any other entity or
  individual that it deems beneficial.
               (c)  In making appointments under Subsections (a) and
  (b), priority shall be given to individuals with experience in
  semiconductor design and manufacturing.
         Sec. 481.612.  ADMINISTRATIVE ATTACHMENT. The consortium is
  administratively attached to the office of the governor for the
  purpose of receiving and administering appropriations and other
  funds under this chapter. The office shall provide the staff and
  facilities necessary to assist the consortium in performing its
         Sec. 481.613.  EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMPOSITION. (a) The
  consortium is governed by an executive committee composed of the
  following members:
               (1)  3 members appointed by the governor; 
               (2)  2 members appointed by the lieutenant governor; 
               (3)  2 members appointed by the speaker of the house of
               (4)  the Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System
  or their designee; and
               (5)  the Chancellor of the University of Texas System
  or their designee. 
         (b)  In making appointments under Subsection (a), priority
  shall be given to individuals with experience in manufacturing,
  design, industrial development, academic research, and scientific
  research in the field of semiconductors. In making appointments
  under Subsection (a), the governor, lieutenant governor, and
  speaker of the house of representatives shall coordinate to ensure
  that at least two representatives from the commercial semiconductor
  design and manufacturing sectors with an established presence in
  the state are appointed. 
         Sec. 481.614.  GENERAL DUTIES. The executive committee
               (a)  develop and execute a comprehensive statewide
  strategic plan to further the objectives of the consortium as
  established in Section 481.610;
               (b)  solicit recommendations from consortium members
  on funding and research opportunities related to semiconductor
  research, design, commercialization, and manufacturing;
               (c)  select a person to act as the executive director of
  the consortium, having such official title, functions, duties,
  powers, and salary as the executive committee may prescribe. The
  executive director may enter into agreements with the office of the
  governor for staff support services to facilitate the work of the
  consortium. Funds deposited to the Semiconductor Innovation Fund
  may be utilized for the implementation of this subsection pursuant
  to Government Code, Section 481.617; and
               (d)  report the recommendations assembled in
  Subsection (b) as outlined in Government Code, Section 481.615.
         Sec. 481.615  BIENNIAL REPORT. Not later than December 1 of
  each even-numbered year, the executive committee shall prepare and
  submit a written report to the governor and the legislative budget
  board that outlines:
                     (a)  activities undertaken to meet the objectives
  of the consortium;
                     (b)  a synopsis of the funding and research
  opportunities identified in Section 481.614, Subsection (b);
                     (c)  any legislative recommendations to further
  the objectives of the consortium;
                     (d)  any prospective grants or funding the
  consortium members expect to apply for or receive; and
                     (e)  any research accomplishments associated with
  the consortium. 
  Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund is created as a dedicated
  account within the General Revenue Fund. The fund consists of:
         (a)  gifts, grants, or donations; and 
         (b)  any other source designated by the legislature. 
         Sec. 481.617.  FUND USE AND BALANCE MANAGEMENT. (a) The fund
  may be utilized at the discretion of the legislature to:
               (1) Provide appropriations to state entities and
  institutions of higher education as matches for semiconductor
  manufacturing and design projects; and
               (2) Issue grants to private businesses with an
  established presence within the state of Texas to encourage
  economic development related to semiconductor manufacturing and
         (b)  The fund may be utilized for the purposes described
  Government Code, 481.614, Subsection (c), subject to approval by
  the legislative budget board. Such a request shall be considered
  approved within 30 days of receipt by the legislative budget board
  unless expressly disapproved. 
         (c)  The comptroller of public accounts shall return all
  unexpended balances in the fund to general revenue on October 1 of
  each even numbered year unless authorization is granted by the
  legislative budget board to maintain the unexpended fund balance.
  Such authorization shall be requested by the comptroller no later
  than August 31 of each even numbered year, and shall be considered
  approved within 30 days of receipt by the legislative budget board
  unless expressly disapproved. 
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.