88R6320 MP-D
  By: Campbell S.B. No. 2374
  relating to the addition of two new elected members to the board of
  directors of the Lower Colorado River Authority.
         SECTION 1.  Section 8503.006, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e),
  (f), and (k) and adding Subsection (c-1) to read as follows:
         (a)  The powers, rights, privileges, and functions of the
  authority shall be exercised by the board. The board shall consist
  of 17 [15] directors and shall include at least one director from
  each of the counties named in Section 8503.003 except Travis
  County, which shall have two directors.  Three directors shall be
  appointed at large from the counties served with electric power,
  other than the counties included in Section 8503.003. Two
  directors shall be elected at large from the entire district,
  including the counties that receive water or electricity from the
         (b)  This subsection applies only to appointed directors. A
  director appointed at large may not serve for a period of more than
  six consecutive years. A county other than a county included in
  Section 8503.003 may not be represented on the board for more than
  six consecutive years. A county other than Travis County may not
  have two directors for a period greater than six consecutive years.
         (c)  All directors [shall be] appointed by the governor with
  the advice and consent of the senate serve [for] staggered terms of
  six years, with five members' terms expiring on February 1 of each
  odd-numbered year.
         (c-1)  An elected director serves a six-year term. The
  authority shall hold an election to elect two directors on the
  uniform election date in November of an even-numbered year, with
  the term of the elected directors to begin the following February 1.
         (d)  Each appointed director must be a resident and freehold
  property taxpayer of the county from which the director is
  appointed and must have been a resident and taxpayer of that county
  for not less than the two years preceding the director's
  appointment. Not more than two appointed directors may be
  residents of the same county.
         (e)  A person is not eligible for appointment or election as
  a director if the person has, during the three years preceding the
  person's appointment, been employed by an electric power and light
  company, a telephone company, or any other utility company.
         (f)  At the expiration of the term of an appointed [a]
  director, a successor shall be appointed by the governor with the
  advice and consent of the senate. Each appointed director shall
  hold office until the expiration of the term for which the director
  was appointed and until a successor has been appointed and has
  qualified, unless removed sooner as provided by this section.
         (k)  Nine [Eight] directors constitute a quorum at any
  meeting and, except as otherwise provided by this chapter or in the
  bylaws, all action may be taken by the affirmative vote of a
  majority of the directors present at any meeting, except that
  bonds, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness are subject to the
  requirements of Sections 8503.004(p) and 8503.013(f), and no
  amendment of the bylaws shall be valid unless authorized or
  ratified by the affirmative vote of at least eight directors,
  unless otherwise specifically provided by this chapter.
         SECTION 2.  Section 8503.004(p), Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (p)  The authority may borrow money for its corporate
  purposes on notes or other written evidence of indebtedness for a
  period not to exceed five years as may be authorized from time to
  time by an affirmative vote of 13 [12] members of the board and
  repay the loans or indebtedness from the proceeds of bonds of the
  authority at the next bond offering. The authority may borrow money
  and accept grants from the United States, this state, or any
  corporation or agency created or designated by the United States or
  this state and, in connection with the loan or grant, may enter into
  an agreement that the United States, this state, or the corporation
  or agency requires. The authority may make and issue negotiable
  bonds for money borrowed in the manner provided by Sections
  8503.013 and 8503.014 or other general law. This chapter does not
  authorize the issuance of any bonds, notes, or other evidences of
  indebtedness of the authority except as specifically provided by
  this chapter or other general law.
         SECTION 3.  Section 8503.013(f), Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (f)  Bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the board
  concurred in by at least 13 [12] of the members.
         SECTION 4.  The Lower Colorado River Authority shall hold
  the first election to elect directors as described by Section
  8503.006, Special District Local Laws Code, as amended by this Act,
  on the uniform election date in November 2024.
         SECTION 5.  (a)  The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
  lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
  representatives within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
  and accomplished.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.