88R19284 BPG-D
  By: Nichols S.C.R. No. 45
         WHEREAS, Beloved for its profusion of blossoms, the dogwood
  tree provides one of the most spectacular highlights of springtime
  in the Lone Star State, and the city of Palestine has long been
  renowned for its abundance of these beautiful trees and for its
  famous Texas Dogwood Trails Celebration; and
         WHEREAS, Dogwoods, which are native to the Palestine area,
  can grow to a height of 30 feet and feature a broad canopy of
  branches that burst into bloom in March and April in East Texas; the
  result is a dazzling floral display of majestic white and rosy pink
  petals; and
         WHEREAS, The Texas Dogwood Trails Celebration traces its
  origins to 1938, when local residents Charles W. Woodbridge and
  Eugene Fish discussed their shared appreciation of the trees and
  hatched the idea of creating an event to showcase the many dogwoods
  in and around Palestine; their plan became a reality in 1939, when
  more than 20,000 people took part in the inaugural Dogwood Trails
  gathering; and
         WHEREAS, In the early years, visitors had to drive rough and
  often muddy roads and trudge through densely wooded areas to get a
  glimpse of the loveliest blooms; to make the trees more accessible,
  organizers sought permission to use a plot of land north of the city
  owned by E. W. and H. R. Link; it contained several groves of
  dogwood trees, and with the help of volunteers, a formal trail
  system was completed there in 1941; it became a permanent
  attraction after M. A. Davey purchased the central portion of the
  tract and gifted it to Anderson County; the 254-acre Davey Dogwood
  Park was named in his honor and today features miles of roads and
  hike-and-bike trails; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, the dogwood trails have remained a
  source of great pride to the people of Palestine, who have
  contributed time and labor to maintain the trees and trails for the
  enjoyment of locals and visitors alike; their efforts have helped
  make their city an extremely popular springtime destination, with
  thousands of people flocking to Davey Dogwood Park and other area
  locations for the trails and celebration; and
         WHEREAS, There is an intrinsic and undeniable joy in
  witnessing the delicate splendor of a dogwood tree in bloom, and
  through the efforts of several generations of citizens, the trails
  have become an essential part of the identity and character of
  Palestine; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby designate Palestine as the official Dogwood Trails Capital
  of Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That, in accordance with the provisions of Section
  391.003(e), Government Code, this designation remain in effect
  until the 10th anniversary of the date this resolution is finally
  passed by the legislature.