88R23530 KSM-D
  By: Flores S.C.R. No. 46
         WHEREAS, Texas game wardens devote themselves to the
  protection of the state's natural resources, and since 1895, 19 of
  these dedicated public servants have tragically lost their lives
  while fulfilling their important duties; and
         WHEREAS, Game wardens, as certified peace officers, are
  responsible for preserving the peace and enforcing the game, fish,
  and water safety laws of Texas, which include, but are not limited
  to, apprehending poachers and other individuals who ignore wildlife
  law; many of the criminals that game wardens encounter have also
  ventured into other illegal activities, such as theft or the drug
  trade, and because game wardens are often patrolling areas with
  hunters, loaded guns are a constant in their work; the myriad
  challenges of the job may put them in harm's way at any time; and
         WHEREAS, To honor those who died in the line of duty, the Game
  Warden Peace Officers Association has commissioned a Game Warden
  Memorial to be designed and sculpted to the Association's
  specifications, and be dedicated to the memory of Joe Williams,
  Harry Raymond, Dawson Richard Murchison, R. M. Wynne, Gus Engeling,
  Claude Keller, J. D. Murphree, Joe Evans, Lloyd Gustin, Ronnie
  Germany, James Daughtrey, Barry Decker, Bruce Hill, Michael
  Pauling, Wes Wagstaff, Justin Hurst, Teyran "Ty" Patterson, George
  Harold Whatley Jr., and Sergeant James Birmingham; and
         WHEREAS, Many Texans are unaware of the sacrifices made by
  game wardens; the placement of the monument at the State Capitol,
  however, would help the public gain a greater understanding of the
  vital mission of Texas game wardens and of the extraordinary
  commitment they make to upholding the laws of our state and
  protecting its natural resources; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby authorize the State Preservation Board, subject to state law
  and rules of the board, to approve the placement of the Texas Game
  Warden Memorial at the State Capitol Complex, at a site outside of
  the historic Capitol grounds; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the board consider a site south of the Sam
  Houston Building for the location of the memorial; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward an
  official copy of this resolution to the executive director of the
  State Preservation Board and to the chair and president of the Game
  Warden Peace Officers Association.