88R9049 JAM-D
  By: Perry S.J.R. No. 43
  proposing a constitutional amendment creating the water for Texas
  fund to assist in financing water projects in this state.
         SECTION 1.  Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
  adding Section 49-d-16 to read as follows:
         Sec. 49-d-16.  (a)  The water for Texas fund is created as a
  special fund in the state treasury outside the general revenue
  fund.  The fund is administered by the Texas Water Development Board
  or by that board's successor in function as provided by general law.
  The fund is not subject to legislative appropriation.
         (b)  The administrator of the water for Texas fund may use
  the fund only to disburse money to other funds administered by the
  Texas Water Development Board or that board's successor in
  function. The administrator may restore to the fund money
  disbursed from the fund and deposited to the credit of another fund.  
  Legislative appropriation is not required for the administrator to
  disburse money from, or restore money to, the fund.
         (c)  The administrator of the water for Texas fund may
  establish separate accounts in the fund as necessary or convenient
  to administer the fund.
         (d)  The water for Texas fund consists of:
               (1)  money transferred or deposited to the credit of
  the fund by general law, including money from any source
  transferred or deposited to the credit of the fund at the discretion
  of the administrator of the water for Texas fund as authorized by
  general law;
               (2)  any other revenue that the legislature by statute
  dedicates for deposit to the credit of the fund;
               (3)  investment earnings and interest earned on amounts
  credited to the fund;
               (4)  money from gifts, grants, or donations to the
  fund; and
               (5)  the redeposit of money disbursed from the fund.
         (e)  The legislature by general law shall provide for the
  manner in which money from the water for Texas fund may be used,
  subject to the limitations provided by this section.
         (f)  The legislature by general law may provide for costs of
  investment of the water for Texas fund to be paid from that fund.
         SECTION 2.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 2023.
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment creating the water for
  Texas fund to assist in financing water projects in this state."