In Memory
  LaVonn Jeanette Vickers Higgs
         WHEREAS, Family and friends will long cherish their
  memories of LaVonn Jeanette Vickers Higgs of Lindale, who passed
  away on January 14, 2022, at the age of 87; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of Leonard and Ellen Johnson, the
  former LaVonn Johnson was born on July 6, 1934, in McPherson,
  Kansas, and she grew up on a farm in the Swedish community of New
  Gottland alongside her twin sister, LaVerna, and three other
  siblings, Eleanor, Merlyn, and Janus; after graduating from
  McPherson High School, she continued her education at Tyler
  Junior College; and
         WHEREAS, She worked as a telephone operator for a decade in
  McPherson, where she met her future husband, the late Edward
  Lawrence Vickers, and she transferred to Tyler after they
  married; over the succeeding years, she devoted herself to her
  home and to raising her daughters, Sharon and Sandra; she served
  on the PTA for Dixie Elementary School and Stewart Junior High
  School, and she also held offices with the Woodmen of the World
  Life Insurance Society and volunteered for hospice; a woman of
  faith, she was a valued congregant of Noonday Baptist Church in
  Tyler, and she played the organ and piano for a number of area
  churches; with the passing years, she had the privilege of seeing
  her family grow to include four grandchildren, Andrea, Brian,
  Jared, and Jacob, and three great-grandchildren, Camden, Luke,
  and Marshall; and
         WHEREAS, LaVonn Higgs possessed a generosity of spirit
  that expressed itself in myriad ways, and she enriched the
  lives of countless people with her warmth and kindness; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the memory of LaVonn Jeanette
  Vickers Higgs and extend sincere condolences to all who mourn her
  passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for her family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns
  this day, it do so in memory of LaVonn Higgs.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on January 18, 2023, by
    a rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate