WHEREAS, Wes O'Neal of Holliday was presented with the 2022
  Working Cowboy Award by the Ranching Heritage Association at the
  National Golden Spur Award dinner on October 15 in Lubbock; and
         WHEREAS, The Ranching Heritage Association is a national
  nonprofit membership organization that supports the programs of
  the National Ranching Heritage Center at Texas Tech University;
  the association's Working Cowboy Award recognizes individuals
  who make their primary living on horseback, caring for livestock;
  honorees are skilled in all aspects of their trade and are
  respected by their ranch crew and the ranching community at
  large; and
         WHEREAS, Wes O'Neal was born in Clarendon during the Great
  Depression; his first ranch experience came at the age of 13,
  when he and his brother broke broncs to help support their
  family, and his career in the saddle has now spanned nearly eight
  decades; he worked for the historic JA Ranch in the Texas
  Panhandle, and in 1957, he was hired on at the W. T. Waggoner
  Ranch, which was the nation's largest ranch under one fence
  before being sold in 2016; he spent 58 years there, serving as
  wagon boss with the cattle operation and for a quarter century as
  horse foreman; thanks in large part to his expert oversight of
  horse breeding on the ranch, W. T. Waggoner in 1994 received the
  coveted American Quarter Horse Association Best Remuda Award;
  today, Mr. O'Neal works for the Four Sixes Ranch near Guthrie;
         WHEREAS, An admired role model for younger cowboys across
  the Lone Star State, Wes O'Neal has furthered the rich legacy of
  ranching that is so closely tied to the history of Texas, and he
  is indeed deserving of this prestigious honor; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby congratulate Wes O'Neal on his receipt of the
  2022 Ranching Heritage Association Working Cowboy Award and
  extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for Mr. O'Neal as an expression of high regard from the
  Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on January 24, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate