WHEREAS, Family and friends will forever treasure their |
memories of Carlos Barton Griffin Sr. of Longview, who passed away |
on December 4, 2021, at the age of 89; and |
WHEREAS, The son of Larkin Barton and Mabel Grace Griffin, |
Carlos Griffin was born in Peatown on September 21, 1932, and he was |
raised on his family's ranch with three sisters, Ann, Emily, and |
Sally; he earned a degree in agronomy with a minor in animal |
husbandry from Texas A&M University in 1955; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Griffin married the former Margaret Ann Gregory |
on December 20, 1953, and the couple shared a loving union that |
spanned nearly 68 years; they became the parents of three sons, |
Carlos, Paul, and Gregory, who preceded his father in death, and the |
family grew to include numerous grandchildren and |
great-grandchildren; and |
WHEREAS, Answering his nation's call to duty, Mr. Griffin |
joined the U.S. Air Force; from 1955 to 1960, he specialized in |
flight instructor training for fighter jet pilots, and he was |
honorably discharged in 1977, after attaining the rank of captain; |
through the decades, he and his wife carried forth the ranching |
legacy established by his ancestors, and the Griffin Ranch was |
recognized by the Family Land Heritage Program in 2000; Mr. Griffin |
also enjoyed a long career at the Texas Eastman Kodak Plant until |
his retirement in 1993; and |
WHEREAS, An influential mentor in the local agricultural |
community, Mr. Griffin held leadership positions in 4-H, the Texas |
Farm Bureau, and the Oil Belt Farm and Ranch Club, and he worked on a |
number of projects with the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and |
Extension Center at Overton; sustained by a deep faith, he was a |
lifelong member and trustee at Peatown Christian Church and a |
congregant of First Christian Church in Longview; and |
WHEREAS, Carlos Griffin lived a rich and purposeful life, and |
he leaves behind a legacy of service and achievement that will be |
appreciated for many years to come; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature |
hereby pay tribute to the memory of Carlos Barton Griffin Sr. and |
extend heartfelt sympathy to all who mourn his passing; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for his family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns this |
day, it do so in memory of Carlos Griffin. |