WHEREAS, Residents and business leaders of Montgomery
  County are gathering in Austin on February 14, 2023, to celebrate
  Montgomery County Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Situated at the southern edge of the Piney Woods
  of East Texas, Montgomery County is the 11th largest county in
  the State of Texas and was established by the Congress of the
  Republic of Texas in 1837; the county is officially acknowledged
  as the Birthplace of the Lone Star Flag because the design
  attributed to resident Dr. Charles B. Stewart was adopted by the
  Texas Congress in 1839 and has remained the banner of the state
  since it joined the Union in 1845; and
         WHEREAS, The arrival of the railroads in the 1870s and
  1880s sparked a lumber boom that revived Montgomery County's
  agricultural economy after the Civil War; Houston lumberman
  Isaac Conroe established a sawmill in 1881, and the town of
  Conroe that grew up around the mill was named the county seat
  eight years later; in 1931, the discovery of oil triggered yet
  another financial upsurge in the area, and today, oil production,
  the lumber industry, and ranching further contribute to the
  area's prosperity; and
         WHEREAS, Visitors from across the state are drawn to the
  region's vibrant historical and cultural establishments, and
  outdoor enthusiasts enjoy the recreational opportunities at Sam
  Houston National Forest, W. Goodrich Jones State Forest, and Lake
  Conroe Park; additionally, The Woodlands, a master-planned
  community, is home to the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, a
  major concert venue as well as the summer residence of the
  Houston Symphony; and
         WHEREAS, This visit to the State Capitol was organized by
  the chambers of commerce of Conroe and Lake Conroe, the Woodlands
  Area, Greater Magnolia Parkway, Greater East Montgomery County,
  the Montgomery Area, and by the Montgomery County Hispanic
  Chamber of Commerce; members of each association work to improve
  and strengthen economic development and the quality of life
  throughout Montgomery County, which is one of the fastest growing
  counties in the nation; and
         WHEREAS, The people of this vibrant county take great pride
  in their rich history as they work to build an even brighter
  future, and it is indeed fitting to honor them and their unique
  contributions to the story of the Lone Star State; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby recognize February 14, 2023, as Montgomery
  County Day at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting
  delegation sincere best wishes for a meaningful and memorable
  stay in Austin; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of this special occasion.
  Creighton, Bettencourt, Kolkhorst
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 14, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate
         Member, Texas Senate
         Member, Texas Senate