WHEREAS, Members of the Dallas Regional Chamber are gathering |
in Austin on February 22, 2023, to celebrate Dallas Regional |
Chamber Day at the State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, With a staff of 55 dedicated professionals and more |
than 700 member companies, the Dallas Regional Chamber helps to |
strengthen the local business community by advocating for |
pro-growth public policies, working to improve the education |
system, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion; moreover, |
the chamber has spearheaded a number of community initiatives, such |
as the Take Care of Business campaign, which led to more than |
660,000 additional COVID-19 vaccinations in the Dallas area; and |
WHEREAS, In 2022, the Dallas Regional Chamber was recognized |
as a national Chamber of the Year by the Association of Chamber of |
Commerce Executives; this prestigious accolade honors chambers |
that have demonstrated superior organizational strength and that |
have advanced economic prosperity, public education, and quality of |
life in their communities; and |
WHEREAS, The Dallas Regional Chamber has played an integral |
role in the growth and vitality of the Dallas area and beyond, and |
all those associated with the organization are deserving of |
recognition for their dedicated efforts; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature |
hereby recognize February 22, 2023, as Dallas Regional Chamber Day |
at the State Capitol and congratulate the organization on its |
selection as a 2022 Chamber of the Year by the Association of |
Chamber of Commerce Executives. |