2023S0158-1 02/15/23
  By: Campbell. et al. S.R. No. 247
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape on its outstanding
  efforts in support of Joint Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis and the
  surrounding region; and
         WHEREAS, The United States Armed Forces are essential to
  the security, defense, and economy of Texas and the United States
  of America, and the coalition of diverse support groups that make
  up the Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape are integral to the
  continuing success of the base and its endeavors; and
         WHEREAS, Joint Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis provides a
  vital field training range for the Texas National Guard; the base
  is the only field training range that serves all medical
  personnel in the United States Department of Defense, and it is
  the only field training range that serves all security forces
  personnel in the United States Air Force; and
         WHEREAS, Protecting the capacity and capability of the
  training ranges of Joint Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis depends on
  active cooperation between the military, state agencies, local
  governments, landowners, business interests, and advocacy
  organizations; and
         WHEREAS, A coalition of nearly 50 diverse support
  organizations joined together in 2022 and were recognized as the
  Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape by the United States Department of
  Defense, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the
  United States Department of the Interior; and
         WHEREAS, The Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape is working to
  protect military missions, promote agricultural vitality,
  conserve natural resources, and promote the economic future of
  the region surrounding Joint Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis, and it
  is indeed fitting that this exemplary coalition receive special
  recognition on its vital efforts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby commend the Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape
  and its member organizations on their invaluable contributions
  to the state and to the nation and urge state agencies and local
  governments to continue supporting the efforts of the Camp Bullis
  Sentinel Landscape; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape as an expression of esteem
  from the Texas Senate.