2023S0197-1 02/23/23
  By: LaMantia S.R. No. 259
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas honors and
  commemorates the life of Ben Figueroa Jr., who died on July 18,
  2022, at the age of 75; and
         WHEREAS, Ben Figueroa Jr. was an exemplary community
  leader and citizen who was widely esteemed for his wise counsel,
  his dedication to duty, and his tireless service to others; and
         WHEREAS, Ben was born on January 19, 1947, in Kingsville;
  he earned bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology and
  history from Texas A&M--Kingsville and held certificates and
  licenses in criminal justice and as a chemical dependency
  counselor, an anger management facilitator, and a youth
  relationship and family wellness trainer; and
         WHEREAS, A veteran of the United States Navy, Ben served
  his country with distinction; he was involved in various
  organizations in his community, where he served on the
  Spohn-Kleberg Hospital Advisory Board and on the boards of
  Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2375, the Boys and Girls Clubs of
  Kingsville, the Greater Kingsville Economic Development Council,
  and the Knights of Columbus Council 2623; and
         WHEREAS, Guided by a spirit of compassion and generosity,
  Ben founded the Institute of Rural Development Foster Youth and
  Transitional Living Center and Los Años De Oro senior citizen
  housing in Kleberg County; he served as director of the Institute
  of Rural Development in Kingsville and as executive director of
  Kleberg County Human Services, and he was instrumental in
  developing multiple grants benefiting the residents of
  Kingsville and members of the surrounding community; and
         WHEREAS, Above all, Ben was a devoted husband, father, and
  grandfather who treasured his family and gave generously to help
  those in need; left to cherish his memory is his family:  his
  beloved wife of 55 years, Edna Figueroa; their children, Terri
  Morales and Ted Figueroa; his granddaughters, Terra, Katie, and
  Karyssa; his sister, Lolly Arispe; and his nieces and nephews;
         WHEREAS, Ben's outstanding service and dedication to his
  country, his state, and his community have made a positive
  difference in the lives of countless people, and he will be
  remembered with great respect and admiration by all who were
  privileged to share in his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved
  family of Ben Figueroa Jr.; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas
  Senate and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in
  memory of Ben Figueroa Jr.