WHEREAS, Lynn McKinney is retiring as deputy |
superintendent of the Aledo Independent School District in June |
2023, drawing to a close an exceptional career in education that |
has spanned nearly four and a half decades; and |
WHEREAS, The district's longest-tenured employee, Lynn |
McKinney has served as deputy superintendent since 2011; she |
joined Aledo ISD in 1986 as a first-grade teacher, and she went |
on to serve as a sixth-grade resource teacher and vice |
principal at K-3 Aledo Elementary and subsequently as vice |
principal and as the first female principal of Aledo High |
School; after leading Aledo High for almost a decade, she was |
promoted to district assistant superintendent of curriculum |
and instruction and then to assistant superintendent of |
special programs, a position she held for 10 years before being |
appointed deputy superintendent; and |
WHEREAS, Prior to joining Aledo ISD, Mrs. McKinney worked |
for Teacher Corps, and she taught at Sam Houston High School in |
Houston and at Campbell Elementary School in Austin; and |
WHEREAS, Widely respected by her colleagues, Mrs. McKinney |
was recognized as the Texas Association of Secondary School |
Principals Region 11 Outstanding Secondary Principal for 1998, |
and she was one of five state finalists for the TASSP State |
Secondary Principal of the Year honor; engaged in her community, |
she received the East Parker County Chamber of Commerce Woman of |
the Year award in 2000; retirement will afford her the |
opportunity to spend more time with her family, which includes |
her husband, Randal, and their two sons; and |
WHEREAS, By helping countless young Texans acquire the |
knowledge and skills necessary to succeed, Lynn McKinney has made |
an immeasurable impact during her 37 years with Aledo ISD, and |
she may indeed reflect with pride on a career well spent; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th |
Legislature, hereby congratulate Lynn McKinney on her retirement |
as deputy superintendent of the Aledo Independent School |
District and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future; |
and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be |
prepared for Mrs. McKinney as an expression of high regard from |
the Texas Senate. |
Springer |
________________________________ |
President of the Senate |
I hereby certify that the |
above Resolution was adopted by |
the Senate on March 1, 2023. |
________________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
________________________________ |
Member, Texas Senate |