WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to |
join citizens throughout the state in recognizing March 9, 2023, |
as World Kidney Day; and |
WHEREAS, Chronic kidney disease is a condition in which |
the kidneys lose their ability to properly filter blood, which |
can lead to other health problems and can progress to kidney |
failure; chronic kidney disease affects the physical, |
psychological, and financial well-being of each individual |
afflicted with the condition, and since 2006, World Kidney Day |
has been recognized in an effort to raise awareness of the |
importance of kidney health; and |
WHEREAS, In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature |
re-established the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force to support |
the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic |
kidney disease in Texas; the task force comprises 24 members, |
including two members of the Texas Senate and two members of the |
Texas House, as well as 20 professionals and experts appointed by |
the governor; the task force is organized into five workgroups |
focused on chronic kidney disease education and prevention, |
legislative issues, treatment, early detection and |
comorbidities, and living donation transplantation; and |
WHEREAS, With more than 70,000 Texans on dialysis and more |
than 8,000 patients in Texas waiting for a kidney transplant, |
chronic kidney disease is a significant health problem in the |
Lone Star State; the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force has been |
instrumental in developing a state plan for preventing, |
diagnosing, and managing medical research and contributing to a |
higher quality of life for individuals at risk or suffering from |
chronic kidney disease in Texas by establishing connections with |
local, state, and national partners and by educating the health |
care community on clinical practice guidelines relating to |
kidney disease; and |
WHEREAS, The dedicated health care professionals, |
volunteers, and educators across the state who contribute to |
improving the lives of those affected by chronic kidney disease |
are indeed deserving of special recognition, and it is truly |
fitting that a day be set aside to acknowledge and support these |
efforts and to spread awareness of this important issue; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th |
Legislature, hereby join in recognizing March 9, 2023, as World |
Kidney Day and commend the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force and |
all associated with their efforts on their invaluable and ongoing |
service to the people of Texas; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in |
honor of this occasion. |