2023S0081-2 02/27/23
  By: Hinojosa S.R. No. 367
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  welcome the citizens of Mission who are gathering in Austin in
  celebration of Mission Day at the Texas Capitol on March 29,
  2023; and
         WHEREAS, Mission has been one of the foremost commercial
  and agricultural hubs along the Texas border since the city was
  founded in 1908, the year the Missouri Pacific Railroad
  established a station in the area; and
         WHEREAS, Known as the home of the grapefruit, Mission has a
  proud history of citrus-fruit farming since the first citrus
  trees in the Rio Grande Valley were planted in the Mission area;
  once a year, citizens come together at the Texas Citrus Fiesta to
  celebrate their town's contributions to the multimillion-dollar
  citrus industry; and
         WHEREAS, A center for tourism and exchange between the
  United States and Mexico, Mission boasts a flourishing economy
  that has attracted agriculture associations, technology firms,
  and international manufacturers; the Center for Education and
  Economic Development, a business incubator and co-working
  facility, has been instrumental in diversifying the local
  economy and generating local business growth; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to industrial development, Mission
  offers a pleasant climate and beautiful natural surroundings to
  its 86,000 residents and thousands of seasonal visitors who spend
  the winter in Mission's many RV parks; locals and visitors enjoy
  such attractions as Mission's National Butterfly Center, the
  World Birding Center headquarters, the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley
  State Park, and the Mission hike and bike trails; and
         WHEREAS, Mission has been depicted in literature and
  popular culture as the iconic setting of Larry McMurtry's classic
  Western novel Lonesome Dove and its adapted television
  miniseries; Mission is also noted as the home of such prominent
  politicians and other well-known figures as United States
  Senator Lloyd Bentsen, Congressman Kika de la Garza, and
  legendary Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry; and
         WHEREAS, The people of Mission are justifiably proud of
  their city for its cultural heritage and unique offerings, and
  Mission Day at the Capitol is truly a fitting opportunity to
  honor the City of Mission and its residents; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby commend the citizens of Mission on their
  important contributions to the history and prosperity of our
  state and extend to them best wishes for a memorable Mission Day
  at the Capitol; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in
  honor of this special occasion.