88R22078 KSM-D
  By: Zaffirini S.R. No. 391
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Karnes County are gathering in
  Austin on April 5, 2023, to celebrate Karnes County Day at the State
  Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Karnes County was formally established by the Texas
  Legislature in 1854 and was named after Henry Wax Karnes, a military
  hero of the Texas Revolution; Helena served as the county seat for
  four decades, until voters chose to make Karnes City the new seat of
  government in 1893; in addition to those two communities, the
  county boasts many other small towns with unique and colorful
  histories, and it is home to the first Polish settlement in the
  United States; and
         WHEREAS, Covering 758 square miles of the South Texas Plains,
  Karnes County is known for rich agricultural lands that support
  grain, cattle, and wild game; the local economy also benefits from
  the oil and gas industry, fiberglass manufacturing, and grain
  milling; today, the county is home to more than 14,500 residents;
         WHEREAS, Representing a rich diversity of cultures, the
  people of Karnes County are working to preserve the best of their
  past and to build an even brighter future for generations to come;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby recognize April 5, 2023, as Karnes County Day at the State
  Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation sincere best wishes
  for an enjoyable trip to Austin.