WHEREAS, Catherine Gibb is being honored for her exemplary |
leadership and contributions to the Collin County Republican Party |
at an appreciation reception hosted by Plano Republican Women on |
April 14, 2023; and |
WHEREAS, Catherine Gibb was appointed primary election |
administrator for the Collin County GOP in 2006 and has held that |
title for 17 years; in addition, she has served the organization as |
a precinct chair and vice chair; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Gibb is the longest-serving president in the |
history of Plano Republican Women, and she has also served the Texas |
Federation of Republican Women as District Director of Senate |
District 8, earning many accolades, including the TFRW 10 |
Outstanding Award; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Gibb shared a beautiful marriage with her |
husband, the late Jim Gibb, that spanned more than three decades |
before his passing in 2022; she takes great pride in her stepsons, |
Michael and Matthew Gibb, and in her grandson, Hayden Gibb; and |
WHEREAS, Catherine Gibb has contributed to the success of the |
Republican Party in Collin County, and she has earned the lasting |
respect and admiration of all who are privileged to know her; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature |
hereby recognize Catherine Gibb for her service to the Collin |
County Republican Party and extend to her sincere best wishes for |
the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mrs. Gibb as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
Senate. |