WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize the Reverend Floyd Nathaniel Williams Sr. on his 65
  years of loyal service as pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist
  Church in Houston; and
         WHEREAS, Born into a family of preachers, Floyd Nathaniel
  Williams was called to ministry from a young age and pursued his
  calling at Bishop College, where he earned a degree in divinity;
  he served the nation with distinction as a warrant officer in the
  United States Army during the Korean War, and he began his career
  as a minister in Matthews, Texas, before leading congregations in
  Eagle Lake and Beaumont; and
         WHEREAS, Reverend Williams accepted the position of pastor
  of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in April of 1958 following
  the passing of his father, the late Reverend M. C. Williams, who
  faithfully led the congregation as pastor for 28 years; and
         WHEREAS, With the steadfast guidance of Reverend F. N.
  Williams, the church has grown and thrived at its original
  location on Beall Street in the Acres Homes neighborhood of
  Northwest Houston; Reverend Williams has been instrumental in
  developing the church's outreach ministries, including
  instituting an athletic program to provide focus and support for
  the youth of the surrounding community, and he has led the
  congregation in establishing numerous community programs that
  provide assistance and encouragement to the Acres Homes
  community; and
         WHEREAS, Over the past 65 years, Reverend Williams has
  ministered faithfully to the physical and spiritual needs of
  innumerable Christians and has served in leadership roles for
  numerous civic and charitable organizations, professional
  associations, and boards of educational institutions and
  community-oriented groups; he served as vice president of the
  Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas and as president
  of the Houston Baptist Pastors and Ministers Fellowship, and he
  has been a member and supporter of various youth and community
  ministries and founded Houston Ministers Against Crime; and
         WHEREAS, Under Reverend Williams' outstanding leadership,
  Antioch Missionary Baptist Church has provided enlightenment,
  hope, and a spiritual center to the Northwest Houston community;
  inspirational and dedicated to helping others, this beloved
  pastor has given generously of his time and energy to the members
  of his church and to serving others in the community; and
         WHEREAS, A man of abiding faith and deep spiritual
  devotion, Reverend Williams has performed countless ceremonies
  and has prayed for and counseled the members of his congregation
  in times of hardship and bereavement as well as in times of
  celebration and joy; it is indeed fitting that he receive special
  recognition on his 65 years of service as pastor and that the
  church's members celebrate this exceptional milestone; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas hereby
  commend the Reverend Floyd Nathaniel Williams Sr. on his many
  contributions to the Houston community and on his exemplary
  leadership of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  him as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 20, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate